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Welcome to the Truck Cargo, H.M.L.C., 5 Ton, 6X6,  Alvis Stalwart Section.

I believe in the free exchange of manuals - to help keep old vehicles out of the scrap yards.

You are welcome to download the files offered here. I would hope that you would offer any files that you have or know of in this free exchange. 

This website is in support of the Facebook group, Alvis HMLC 6x6 Stalwart Group

Part of the group's aim is to try and help keep the remaining vehicles out of the scrap yards, as well as to share memories and new stories of this amazing machine.

The webpage is to share MOD Service and Maintenance files for the Truck, Cargo, HMLC, 5 TON, 6x6, Alvis Stalwart (FV 620, 622, 623, 624), all of which have been declassified by the MOD at Abbey Wood between 2020 and 2022. 

Other files and articles

We do have a selection of other files, trade reviews, articles, etc on the HMLC Stalwart Facebook group.

We would enjoy seeing you there, especially if you have any photos or articles of the Alvis Stalwart in service, in any country.