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Alvis Stalwart HMLC, Amfibiebil 101, Bedford & BV202 History - and Free; User guides, Service, Workshop Maintenance and Repair PDF File Download Site. Home of the Vehicle Manuals Library (V.M.L.)

This website has eight main sections, which have relevant history, and PDF files in them to download.

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Just click on the menu button top left, and jump to the page you want to visit.

This website is run entirely as a hobby and in my spare time, it is paid for out of my own pocket. Should you wish to leave a small donation towards the upkeep and ongoing running of the website, it is really appreciated. Thank you

How to navigate the website

In order to Navigate around the site, click on the three lines in the top left corner of the website.

Click on any of the Section headers to reveal the pages in that section.

The opened section will reveal the pages within.

To close a displayed section in the Navigation area, simply click on the arrow. 

This website was setup to share workshop manuals and user guides free of charge outside of Facebook, for the Alvis Stalwart - to help keep the remaining few out of the scrap yards. It now has a growing collection of manuals for Bedford trucks, and the Volvo Bv202. 

As part of the research into these vehicles, I've gathered a lot of images of Alvis Stalwarts, Bedfords and BV202 - all taken from public websites and Facebook groups. Apologies to anyone offended by my sharing their brilliant photos to help record these vehicles histories.

Thank you to  the contributors

I must give a massive thank you to every single person who has posted or emailed any files, documents, and photos to me. There are too many to name. This Alvis Stolly preservation and archive project would not be what it is without your generous help and donation. 

A special mention must go to Mark Chapman, for rescuing much Alvis documentation and drawings from Coventry, to Bruce Pilbough for donating his Stalwart collection, to David Tite for letting me crawl all over his vehicles, and all those who freely provided rare documents, Andy, Ian, Marty, Neil, etc. And a thanks to Geoff Fletcher and Wally Dugan. If I've not named you then it's not personal, but thank you. 

To our Swedish Amfibiebil 101 friends. To name a few, a thank you to; Stefan Karlsson, Stellan Englund, and Magnus Freij, and especially to Emil Gustavsson for the Floating trailer 803 photos.

Also to all the Bedford and BV202 donations, especially David Bradley and Stuart Lee, and the Swedish BV202 websites.

Welcome to the HMLC Alvis Stalwart and Bedford - Files Website 

I believe in the free exchange of manuals - to help keep old vehicles out of the scrap yards.

You are welcome to download the files offered here. I would hope that you would offer any files that you have or know of in this free exchange. 

Website Quick Links - if you wish to jump ahead of the Navigation;

Click here to view some history files on Bedford Commercial Motors 

This is the first page of the Bedford section, and includes some articles by David Bradley and more.

Click here for the Volvo Bandvagn Bv202/203

This page has information and various downloads, in a number of languages.

Click here for an article on the history of the Punt hull - High Mobility Chassis

A page on how the Punt hull came about, which ended up underneath the Stalwart

Click here to read about the development of the Alvis Stalwart

This page looks at how the Stalwart developed. It is the first true page of the Stalwart section

Click here for the HMLC Alvis Stalwart maintenance Page 

with previews of the files, which pop out in a new window

Click here for the HMLC Alvis Stalwart files and mauals page. 

This is a quick load page for people with slow internet, which just shows the file names and description