Playable Experiences 2017

Submissions are open!

Submissions close on May 25, 2017

Playable Experiences Submissions Due: June 16

*** Submissions closed ***

Indie developers, industry professionals, and researchers who are developing innovative games or other interactive media (“playable experiences”) with AI are invited to submit their work to the playable experiences track. We welcome playable experiences that involve some articulable innovation in the use of AI that directly affects the user's experience. This includes novel game designs that leverage existing AI techniques, as well as innovations in the techniques themselves that lead to new kinds of playable experiences.

Playable experience submissions should be sufficiently complete and polished enough for new users to play them. Research prototypes, AI-based software tools, and non-interactive systems are best suited for the demo track.

Contact with have any questions!

Submit your playable experience!

To submit your playable experience, just provide the following to EasyChair.

1. Description of the game

Authors should submit a 500-word extended abstract describing the impetus behind the playable experience, how AI has motivated its design (or vice versa), and what they see as its primary innovation(s). Submissions should be in PDF format and preferably follow AAAI two-column, camera-ready style as above; however, Playable Experience authors may submit their content in any reasonable format for review, and AIIDE will assign an editor to help meet publication formatting requirements for accepted work.

2. Create a link to your playable experience

Provide a publicly accessible link to a web-based, mobile, or downloadable player experience, as well as instructions for how to play it. This link must remain live at least through the end of the conference. The peer review process for playable experiences is not blind. The abstract will be published in the conference proceedings. Authors will have the opportunity to show their playable experience during the evening reception of the AIIDE-17 conference.



Playable experience authors are expected to attend the conference in-person to showcase their work.

Travel Support

We anticipate having some funds available to support travel scholarships for the playable experiences track, thanks to a generous contribution from AIJ. Travel awards will be granted based on financial need and diversity goals for the cohort. Please email us if you have any concerns regarding your ability to attend the conference.

Previous Selections


Bad News simulates the history of a small town, down to the level of characters, to seed a live performance. (James Ryan, Ben Samuel, Adam Summerville, Michael Mateas, Noah Wardrip-Fruin)

Rogue Process generates fictional corporations and their skyscraper offices. (Michael Cook)

Conceptually Blended Levels in a Unity Engine, a conceptual blending approach that learns about Mario Bros. level designs from data and applies design motifs to new levels. (Matthew Guzdial, Mark Riedl)

Elsinore simulates character knowledge while accounting for time-travel on the part of the player. (Eric Butler, Kristin Siu)


Base Case, a top-down sneaking game by Justus Robertson in which the world is generated from a plan-based experience manager, where the player directly manipulates the planner’s underlying state via in-game mechanisms;

iGiselle, an interactive narrative by Sergio Poo Hernandez in which the player influences an AI experience manager and branching narrative choices by assuming dance positions perceived by the Microsoft Kinect;

Prismata, a unique commercial turn-based digital strategy card game in development by Lunarch Studios, submitted by lead AI programmer Dave Churchill, featuring sophisticated AI opponents navigating a large state-space;

Sarah & Sally, a puzzle-platformer by Martin Cerny with a cooperative AI sidekick that telegraphs its search state in-game, set in a problem space designed to highlight and simplify AI search while creating perceived complexity for the human player;

Sure Footing, an infinite runner building on rhythm-based approaches to real-time procedural level design.


1849, a commercial game which uses an AI-based production-rule system, by Robert Zubek and Matthew Viglione

To That Sect, a game created by ANGELINA – an automated game-creation program written by Michael Cook

The Best Laid Plans, a research prototype that uses an automated planner to drive gameplay, created by Stephen Ware, R. Michael Young, Christian Stith, and Phillip Wright

Everyday Genius: SquareLogic, a commercial puzzle game with smart content generation, created by Ken Harward and Squirrel Eiserloh

PAST: Player-Specific Automated Storytelling, an adaptive text-based game by Alejandro Ramirez-Sanabria and Vadim Bulitko

Penguin Push, a puzzle game with automated content generation by Nathan Sturtevant

Vessel, a commercial game featuring many AI technologies by Kieran Lord, John Krajewski, Martin Farren, Mark Filippelli, and Milenko Tjunic.


Endless Web: Gillian Smith, Alexei Othenin-Girard, Jim Whitehead and Noah Wardrip-Fruin

Game-O-Matic: Mike Treanor, Bryan Blackford, Chris DeLeon, Simon Ferrari, Bobby Schweizer, Ian Bogost, and Michael Mateas

Prom Week: Joshua McCoy, Mike Treanor, Benjamin Samuel, Aaron Reed, Noah Wardrip-Fruin, Michael Mateas

Storyteller: Dan Benmergui

Third Eye Crime: Damian Isla

Versu: Richard Evans and Emily Short