AI4LAM Working Groups and AI4LAM Chapters

AI4LAM Working Groups

AI4LAM wants to stimulate broad activity within the area of AI in libraries, archives and museums. One platform for such activity is working groups, where stakeholders from different institutions with common interests can come together and work collaboratively. 

Operational Working Groups

Every Working Group operates a shared Google Drive which is open to all. This drive should hold some information about and from the respective WG.

Metadata WG

Speech-to-Text WG

Teaching and Learning AI WG

In progress

Named Entity Recognition WG

Retired Working Groups

Challenge WG

Registry WG

Do you want to build a new Working Group?

If you would like to establish an AI4LAM Working Group, study this document.

AI4LAM Community Groups

AI4LAM Community Groups are designed to increase knowledge and discussion around the topic of AI in libraries, archives and museums. 

Operational Community Groups

Our Community Groups utilise shared Google Drives which are open to all. This drive should hold some information about and from the respective CG.

AI4LAM Reading Group

In progress


Do you want to build a new Community Group?

If you would like to establish an AI4LAM Community Group, reach out to to start the conversation.

AI4LAM Chapters

AI4LAM Chapters are regional networks within AI4LAM. These may be national or for a larger area.

Operational Chapters

Every Chapter operates a shared Google Drive which is open to all. This drive should hold some information about and from the respective Chapters.

Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand Chapter

Our charter

Our past webinars recording

Our slack channel : #auanz-chapter

Our corner of Google Drive

Chapitre francophone - French-speaking Chapter

Notre charte - Our charter

Notre espace de ressources partagées sur Google Drive - Our shared resources on Google Drive

Notre forum - Our forum

In progress


Do you want to build a new Chapter?

If you would like to establish an AI4LAM Chapter, study this document.

For more information on getting involved with any of our Groups or Chapters, check out the AI4LAM Slack.