
Contribute to the ai4lam registry

18 march 2022 Ilona Caly

Ai4lam is a young community with a big potential to grow. You can contribute in different ways: by talking with people around you, by tweeting about the community and its content, by attending the Community Calls… And by adding resources like activities or projects, dataset or even models to the AI Registry.

Lots of AI-related projects, experimental or industrial, small or large, are already taking place in libraries, archives and museums, but having an overview of it all is still a challenge…The purpose of the ai4lam registry is to help members of the community finding people with whom they can share the same goals, tackle the same difficulties or reuse the same tools or data.

The « AI Registry » pages are collaborative pages…

Projects / Activities This page is dedicated to projects, activities, and organizations related to artificial intelligence in libraries, archives, and museums. Feel free to add your own activities or resources, or those you heard about, directly with the Google Form: everybody can contribute!

Your contribution will be checked before being displayed on the website for security reasons.

Data Set / Models This page is dedicated to datasets and models readily available for reuse in your own AI. Feel free to add your own dataset or model via the Google Form. If it helps you, it will help somebody else!

Your contribution will be checked before being displayed on the website for security reasons.

To make the AI4LAM Registry a useful tool for all, everybody should play their part and contribute with their own projects or those they know. This Registry is yours, is ours, is for everyone who contributes to it in any way!