Spanish 3 

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Objectives & Standards

Communication – Interpersonal Mode (IP)

ML3.PS1 .IP1: Students exchange spoken and written information and ideas in the target language such as; Expressing needs, desires, feelings and emotions; Exchanging opinions, references; Giving detailed descriptions and asking questions and providing answers.

A. Express needs and desires.

B. Share feelings and emotions.

C. Exchange opinions and preferences.

D. Give detailed descriptions.

E. Give and follow detailed directions and instructions.

F. Ask questions and provide responses on topics and events found in a variety of print and non-print sources. F. Comprehend basic directions. 

G. Ask questions and provide responses based on topics such as self, family, school, etc. 

H. Use sequenced information, such as the alphabet, days of the week, months, seasons, and numbers 0 to 100 in context.

ML3.PS2 .IP2: Students initiate, sustain and close oral and written exchanges while reflecting in the present, future and past tenses; exchanging information through conversations, notes; and beginning self-correction.

A. Participate in extended oral and written activities reflecting the present.

B. Begin to participate in oral and written activities reflecting the future and past.

C. Exchange information through conversations, notes, letters, or e-mail on familiar topics.

D. Use paraphrasing, some circumlocution, and body language to convey and comprehend messages.

E. Begin to self-correct.

F. Demonstrate Novice-High to Intermediate-Low proficiency in oral and written exchanges with respect to proper pronunciation, intonation, and writing mechanics.


Communication – Interpretive Mode (INT)

ML3.PS3 .INT1: Students identify main ideas and supporting details as well as comprehend current events and issues presented in a variety of media in the target language.

A. Identify main ideas and supporting details from a variety of sources.

B. Understand culturally authentic materials and information.

C. Demonstrate comprehension of current events and issues presented through print and electronic media.

D. Follow instructions given in the target language.

E. Understand simple connected discourse.

F. Demonstrate Novice-High to Intermediate-Low proficiency in listening and reading comprehension.