La ciencia y la tecnología

l medio ambiente; El acceso a la tecnología; Los efectos de la tecnología en el individuo y en la sociedad; La medicina y los servicios médicos; Las artes culinarias y la nutrición; La innovación; Los fenómenos naturales; La ciencia y la ética



  • Identify current environmental issues we are faced with today and present possible solutions
  • Participate in a discussion about our responsibilities in protecting the environment
  • Identity health issues or health concerns in the US and Spanish speaking countries
  • Describe the impact of modern technology inventions on daily life
  • Understand how human actions modify the physical environment
  • Understand the ethical, cultural and societal issues related to technology
  • Understand the ethical, cultural and societal issues related to health care

We read and see many things these days from a variety of sources about the cause and effect of what is happening in our present environment. The main goal for this unit is to motivate students to be aware of the natural world around them and be conscious of some of the current problems that need collective attention in order to provide a safe environment for all. The students will learn about global changes on earth and come up with ideas on how we can begin making a difference.

In this unit, students will also consider both the benefits and the hazards of technology in today’s world through the lens of the environment. While human inventions have made our lives more convenient, they have also introduced some threats that affect both human health and the health of the environment. Students will be challenged in identifying the proper use of technology to improve our lives while still protecting the quality of the natural world.