The secret to sleeping better while on the road

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It can be challenging to get quality sleep while traveling. For some people, the constant noise and lights of an unfamiliar city are too much to handle on their first night in a new place. Many factors affect your sleeping during travel. It's best for you to know how to address these before heading back on the road, notes Ahmed Nashaat, a Los Angeles-based travel blogger.

Paranoia, stress, fear of flying, delays and many others contribute to travel fatigue. Before you travel, try to lower your stress level. Stress and anxiety can hit you before the trip starts, so be sure to be prepared and leave some room for changes to feel at ease once the trip starts. Include in your plan to sleep properly at night, even while on the road. Red-eye flights are an economical choice, but if it ruins the body clock, especially for those who have a hard time building their routine. Paying extra for regular flights may be the healthier choice.

For longer trips, bring items that help you sleep soundly. Avid travelers who switch from one time zone to another usually bring their pillow, blanket, or diffuser to help them set their mind and body to sleep much easier. Others who may not have much baggage space, headphones, earplugs, eye masks, and travel pillows are good enough to help them get quality sleep, shares Ahmed Nashaat of Los Angeles.

Get moving. Burn your energy during the daytime to get to bed faster at night. Remember to take note of your caffeine and alcohol intake, too, as these are known to disrupt sleep.