The secret to packing light for every trip

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Some people can enjoy a week to a month’s trip with only carry-on luggage, while others won’t last five days without a humungous suitcase. For different types of travelers, there is a secret to packing light. What others may deem essential may not be important for some. In this blog post, Los Angeles-based travel blogger Ahmed Nashaat shares the secret to packing light for different trips.

One can actually pack less clothing than they think they’ll need. For example, many travelers subscribe to the 1-2-3-4-5-6 rule: one cap, hat, or beanie; two pairs of footwear; three pairs of trousers, shorts, or skirts; four shirts; five pairs of socks; and six sets of undies. As easy as it is to remember, the rule is not always easy to follow, especially for extended trips. However, following the principle and translating it to one’s situation may be the best course of action.

Consider packing multifunctional items instead of bringing one item for every purpose. Most multifunctional travel accessories are durable, as these are expected to last a long time. During the actual packing, examine the luggage or carry-on and plan how items will fit inside.

This would also determine the number and the weight of the items that could go inside.

For Ahmed Nashaat, those serious about packing light usually take it for a test run. While this seems like a nerdy move, practicing would allow one to know whether they need to rearrange their items or keep them as they are.