Ahmed Nashaat Travel Tip: Pack Your Bags Right



Ahmed Nashaat: Pack Your Bag Like a Seasoned Traveler

What to pack depends on your preferences, but it doesn't mean you have to squeeze everything in your luggage. Ahmed Nashaat shares some tips to help you pack like a pro.

Lay Clothes on Your Bed First

Lay all the items out before they go into your bag. Group clothes and accessories together on your bed to see which items aren't essential. If you have a shirt that can't be worn with the pants you have, that shirt should go back to the closet. Laying your clothes on your bed can also help you fit them into your bag in a logical manner. Start with bulky items to form a sturdy base layer, then add lightweight items.

Pack a Health Kit

It's easy to suffer from fever, food poisoning, and insect bites when traveling, but buying medicine from a foreign pharmacy is hard. This is why it's very important to pack a medicine kit. Ahmed Nashaat recommends a toiletry bag with adhesive bandages, pain relievers, cold medicine, medicine for stomach problems, ointments for the itch, and antibiotics. You'll probably not need all these, but it's better to be safe than sorry.

Be Prepared for Wet Clothes

Always pack a plastic grocery bag to put wet clothes in, whether at the beach or in a country with extreme weather conditions. That way, you don't need to worry about wet and smelly clothes in your bag.

Roll Your Clothes

This is quite self-explanatory. When you roll up your clothes, they take up less space in your luggage.

Bring a Clear Toiletry Bag

It's normal to misplace clothes in your luggage. Keep a clear toiletry bag with all your favorite items and essentials inside, so you can easily find them.