How to enjoy a trip to the City of Angels without irritating locals

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Until a new entertainment capital emerges, Angelenos will have to live with the fact that tourists will flock to their beloved city. From bus tours to studio tours, some tourist activities can cause a strain in the daily lives of residents. Ahmed Nashaat, a Los Angeles-based travel blogger, shares some tips on how tourists can enjoy the city without inconveniencing locals.

Quit the bus tours. While this suggestion may sound snobby to some, bus tours dedicated to spot stars in their residences may cause privacy and security issues to both celebrities and non-celebrities. Some stars like Dwayne Johnson and Kanye West take a minute to greet fans on buses, but most don't bat an eyelash when a bus passes them by, and they are not obligated to, explains Los Angeles resident Ahmed Nashaat.

Visit the smaller neighborhoods. Give the suburbs some love. West Hollywood has some of the finest bistros and cafés in LA. The fashion-forward city never misses a beat when it comes to providing locals and tourists with the best hangout spots. Head to the museums, too. Both experiential and cultural, the museums in Los Angeles are better places to visit than the theme parks.

Many tourists believe they can hike right up the Hollywood sign. The truth is that the sign and the areas surrounding it are fenced off, notes Ahmed Nashaat of Los Angeles. Instead, take a photo of the sign from a different vantage point. Hike along the Griffith Park Observatory for a good visual on the sign. Wear the most comfortable shoes for hiking and squeeze in a bit of work while at it.