Ahmed Nashaat on Achieving Success as a Travel Blogger



Ahmed Nashaat Talks About Becoming a Travel Blogger

Many people dream of making money outside their nine-to-five jobs. Some of them leave their corporate jobs to pursue success on the Internet. Kids nowadays hope to become content creators. However, people don't usually see the kind of hard work that's required to achieve Internet success. Travel blogger Ahmed Nashaat shares in this blog post the basics of becoming a successful travel blogger.

Before diving into travel blogging head-on, you must ask yourself whether this will be for the short term or the long run. At first, you might want to keep a personal blog to keep track of your travels. When you see your blog gaining audience and logging traffic, you might start to think of making money out of it. This is a usual occurrence among many bloggers, Ahmed Nashaat points out. They begin to monetize their page once they see it driving traffic. While this may be exciting, it takes a ton of work to maintain and grow a blog.

Travel blogging is serious work that demands your time, attention, focus, and resources, just like any other job. To cut through the crowd, be sure you create helpful content. Tips, tricks, and hacks catch the attention of many readers. Be sure to stay active on social media to supplement the traffic your blog receives. Many readers want to see a sneak peek of a full blog on a blogger's social media account. Posting on social media may act as teasers or summaries of your full blogs.

Consider guest posting on other travel blogs, shares Ahmed Nashaat. This helps travel bloggers reach audiences they won't usually reach with their own content. Venture out of the Internet. While it's virtually impossible to release anything that's not through the Internet, you can try to share your stories with newspapers, magazines, and even TV networks. This widens your net, expanding your online and offline reach.