The best way to pack for a backpacking trip

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Going on a backpacking trip is a fun and exciting way to experience different cultures and become one with nature. For most people, this undertaking can be a life-changing experience. In this blog post, Travel blogger Ahmed Nashaat of Los Angeles shares the best way to pack for the occasion.

Backpacking trips that last just for a night would necessitate fewer quantities of the same essentials for trips that would last longer. One must be sure to check off the 10 essentials first before tossing in more items in their bag. The 10 essentials include navigation, headlamp, first aid, sun protection, fire, knife, extra food, extra water, extra clothes, and shelter. These items alone would keep one safe and secure throughout their backpacking trip, notes Ahmed Nashaat of Los Angeles.

The 11th essential item in one's backpack would have to be the hygiene pack. This pack should consist of a biodegradable soap, hand sanitizer, and other necessary urination and elimination devices. Women might have to use quick-drying pee rags or pee funnels to make urinating a bit easier. Be sure to pack a roll of toilet paper, trowel, and other bathroom necessities in a single bag.

Knowing the weather condition of the place one is headed would determine the type of clothing they should pack for the trip. According to Ahmed Nashaat of Los Angeles, identifying which footwear to wear and pack for a trip would prevent backpackers from suffering from unnecessary blisters and burns on their feet should they wear the wrong ones throughout the activity.