Character Design - All Characters


(1) Review these Posing References

Walk Cycle (external link)

Fully Rigged Dog: (external link)

Frame by Frame Limbs

Animal Pose Reference Gifs (external link)

Demo: how to import the above gifs  into Animate

(2) Create and Rig Your Characters


Upload Your File

(1) Import a sketch (if you will be using one)

(2) Draw your character using these techniques

(3) Rig your character using these methods

Optional methods and Reference

Use layer parenting to complete your rig

Skin Tone Reference

These images are part of an artwork, called The Humane Project, created by Angélica Dass (external link).  Control-click to save.

A large portrait grid of many different people, each one with different colored skin.

Import a Complete Illustrator File

Import a layered Adobe Illustrator file into Animate while preserving all of the layers.

Copy and Paste Assets Directly From Adobe Illustrator