Agreement With Spoken World Audio

Letter Received From Neil Gardner, Owner and Producer; Ladbroke Audio (home of Spokenworld Audio) in London England.

Wow, that sounds like an amazing idea, and a wonderful project. I would be very happy to partner with you on such an endeavour.

  • I will supply you with a free copy of the 320kbps MP3 master files (you agree to only distribute these within the course)

  • Your students are free to use the audio for their animation projects

  • Your students can make use of the finished project within their course portfolio, and as part of a portfolio when seeking employment...but no monetization is allowed without first negotiating a fee with us

  • Each project must credit ANTHONY RICHARDSON as the narrator. I am not necessarily bothered about a Spokenworld Audio credit/link, but always flattered by one

  • You will share with us links to each finished project

  • We will be allowed to share publicly any of the finished animations, so long as there is no monetization involved (if such an opportunity arises we would have to come back to you to negotiate fees, etc...) and with full credit given to the animator(s) and course/institution

This is very exciting, and I know Anthony will be thrilled by it. Also, this may lead to me find a new young animator who could help with a potential project I have (we have a Muppet called Darwin as out studio mascot, and I'd like to get a short animated video of him made at some point in 2020)

Many thanks and warmest wishes

Neil Gardner
