Blocking and Key-posing


We will be creating the animation in 4 phases:

(1) Blocking and Key-posing

This first-step in the animation process recreates your animatic with the finished art. 

Start your blocking process in your Production  Art file. Save the  file as 'YourName-Blocking' and save it in your folder called 'Animation'


Upload Your File

Watch Bill's Demos

Here is a video export of the example file. It's a first draft and has some quality issues that will be addressed in the refinement phase.


(1) If You Started a New File When Creating Your Design and Production Art ... 

Then follow this video to see how to import your animatic into your Production Art file. You will need to do this before you can start blocking. You can skip this step if your animatic is already in your production art file.

(2) Make Sure Advanced Layers is Turned On: This is required for the camera tool to work

(3) Add Visual Hierarchy by Using Layer Effects to Create Atmospheric Perspective.

(4) Follow This Blocking Demo

Additional Technique Demos

Just watch these, don't do them. Use them as additional reference.