
Please use the add item button to open up a line where you can add your name and information. If you are not seeing an "add item" just before the gray bar below, it is because you have not signed in to the site (or you are not yet a member of the site). The sign in option is at the lower left corner. If you have trouble with the sign-in, see tech help on the side menu for some very short videos to help you with this.

AERA member can join the SIG any time during the year or when they register each year. To join now, log in as a member, and then under Member Profile choose SIG memberships. The next page will show current SIG and division memberships, and also has the link to purchase additional SIG memberships. When you re-registar with AERA you also have the option to join the SIG.

If you need help, send a request to Margaret Riel ( or Derrell Fincher (

Members — List page from Classic Sites