AR1world Blog

We are introducing an AERA AR SIG BLOG-- AR1World-- (our 1 world) to share resources and events. There is an option on the site for having the items sent to your by email.

Also please do add comments or start a discussion around any of the ideas posted in the blog but using comments.

NOTE: We are looking for someone who wants to moderate the blog. This would mean soliciting the entries and posting them. If you are interested, contact Margaret Riel ( And if you know how to paste the blog in this website, I would be happy to give you ownership to do it.

If you want to contribute, attach your entry at the bottom as a comment and it will be reviewed and posted to the blog.

Types of resources shared: (Select one or two of these that describe the blog)

In-Sites: This could be a link to a site that members might be interested in knowing more about.

Cool Tools: Tell us about your favorite application and what do you do with it.

Hot Tips: This could be a some feature you learned to use on a software or web application or some special offer that you want to share with the action research community

Compelling Clips: Maybe you just saw something on Ted Talks that we should all watch. Or maybe you or your student just made a video and posted it to youtube and you want to share it with all of us.

Remarkable Resources: These are readings, announcements, or other materials that you want to share with us.

Coming Conferences: Feel Free to post your conferences notices

AND Please note: There is a great blog on action research by the Action Research Journal