Google Classrooms

Using Google Classrooms

Signing In

Go to and click "Go to Classroom". This will take you to the page where you will sign in to your Google Account. If you have multiple accounts, make sure you choose the account you want to use for all of your IP classroom work. Then you'll click "Get Started"

Joining a Class

Once you are signed in to Google Classrooms you'll want to join your class. We will be doign this using the "class code" method.

First you'll click the "add class" plus sign button at the top right of your screen, and then "Join Class"

Then you'll need to enter the class code, which consists of 6 or 7 letters or numbers. Email the IP Preceptor to get the code for the class you want to enroll in.


This is a really useful tutorial helping you navigate Google Classrooms. Because we are not a school with all the Google Apps for Education some of the things he discusses you won't see in our classroom, but it's still a great resource for helping you find things.

Turning in Your Work

There are three general types of work submissions in the IP courses: Assignments, Quizzes, and Questions. The required exit standards for the course will be formatted as "Assignments", while most of the supplemental work will be formatted as either a Quiz of Question.


Your required questions will be formatted as assignments, and you will turn in those exit standards by attaching a file. This can be a GoogleDoc, a link ot website you've created, a video or audio file... however you've chosen to show your understanding of the exit standard, you will upload/link it here.


This type of work will initially look the same as an "Assignment" but it will have a Google Form attached.

  1. Click the form and answer the questions.
  2. Click Submit > Mark as done and confirm.
  3. If the form is the only work, your assignment is marked Turned in.


Most of the questions are meant to be discussion type questiosn for the group, and we are interested in building a learning community, so would like you to answer these questions and respond to others.

To submit your response look under Your answer, then enter your answer, and click Turn in. After you have submitted your own answer you'll be able to see classmates answers. To reply to a classmate's answer, under their answer, click Reply, enter your reply, then click Post.


Because our courses don't have due dates, the reviewers aren't automatically notified when you submit something. So, in order to make sure your work is checked in a timely manner, when you have submitted an assignment, make sure you post a comment on that assignment saying "done" so that the reviewers get a notification to check your work.

Revising Your Submission

It is extremely common to need to make revisions to your submission and submit it for review again. When doing this Google Classrooms, your review will use the "Return" feature.

Graded vs Ungraded

A reviewer will ALWAYS leave you comments in the "Private Comments" field, whether or not you need to return a revised submission.

If you have successfully demonstrated your understanding of the content, you're submission will be returned to you with a grade. This grade will always be 100/100 points for the assignment since they are all graded as Pass/Fail questions.

If you need to make revisions before your submission passes, your submission will be returned to ungraded. So, you will want to be sure to periodically check to see if you've got any returned assignments that don't include a grade.

Further Resources

The Google Classroom Help Center is a good place to troubleshoot issues or figure out how to make something work for you. Because we are not tech people, this is a great first step in trying to figure out how to do something.