Student Information

Before You Begin

When you are preparing your work for the class, ALWAYS keep an extra copy of each question saved somewhere else. Not only may we need to reference them in the future, but you'll save yourself a lot of heartache by keeping multiple copies of important files.

Additionally, this may be useful when you are reviewing your work to prepare for your Initiation Trials. Your prospective Initiators may also request to see your work prior to agreeing to facilitate your Trials.

Navigating Google Classrooms

This page will direct you to some of the tutorials that Google provides for working in Classrooms.

Submission Guidelines

You can also find the guidelines that reviewers use when checking your work.

How to Pass ADF Study Programs: An Insider's View

An informative article by current Initiate Wayne Keysor, to help get you started and confident on this path.

How To Pass ADF Study Programs_Keysor_July 2020.pdf

Syllabi for the Initiate Path

Below is an optional syllabus for the entirety of the Initiate Path. You may find it useful to organize your work.

Additionally, as we add courses to Google Classrooms, more individual syllabi will become available.

Rubrics for the Initiate Path

We are in the process of creating rubrics for each of the Initiate Courses. You notice that these rubrics have both a "pass" column and an "advanced pass" column. Because the Initiate Path is designed for the student to persue in depth their own interests, we decided to include this advanced pass option. Consider it a jumping off point if you find yoruself interested in exploring a certain topic beyond the required expectaions of understanding.

Either a “pass” or “advanced pass” on each question will result in the submission being marked approved in the SP Tracker and/or the question being marked correct in Google Classrooms. Any work that does not meet all the requirements for “pass” will be returned for revision with comments from the reviewer for the student to improve their answer. All questions must at least meet the “pass” requirements in order for the course to be approved.

To receive an “advanced pass” the work shown must also meet all the requirements for a “pass.” The “advanced pass” column in this rubric is designed to give you some ideas of what to look for should you be interested in pursuing that particular topic in more depth, and you do not need to meet every bullet point in that column to receive an “advanced pass.” Please note that not all questions will necessarily have an “advanced pass” option, and that it is never mandatory to explore the “advanced pass” topics.

As these rubrics are created, you can find them below.

History of the Initiate Path

The Initiate Path underwent major revisions in 2018. If you've been working on the current program, this may not relate to what you need to know at all, but some folks may find the history of the work, as well as the reasoning behind the courses, interesting.