
a druid holds one hand in front of them, proclaiming the meaning of an omen.  they are wearing in a stole decorated with flames

Taking an Omen

In the reciprocal relationship we have with the Kindreds, the most common way of determining what specific gifts they return to us is through divination, which we often call taking an omen. There are many ways to do this, such as using a symbol set, observing the natural world, or scrying.

The Omen is the point of communication between us and the spirits. At this point in the ritual we can learn if the spirits have liked our gifts and we can see what gifts they might offer us in return.

Methods of Taking an Omen

The most common method of taking an omen in ADF rites is through the Drawing or Casting of Lots. This method involves a collection of symbols, commonly from a writing system, from which the Seer picks from, and then interprets.

wooden tiles with runes inscribed on them scattered across some pieces of paper


The Runes of the Elder Futhark is a writing system for the Germanic people. Each symbol stands for a letter/sound, as well as additional divinatory meanings.

wooden discs with ogham fews carved on them, scattered out with the bag behind them


The Ogham was a system of writing for the ancient Celts , though it is found most commonly in Irish. Each symbol represents a letter, since the ogham was likely first used as a writing system rather for divination.

olive wood discs with the greek alphabet inscribed on them, scattered out with the bag off to one side

Greek Alphabet Oracle

The Greek Alphabet Oracle comes from the Ancient Greek system of writing. Unlike other symbol sets, where a collection of key words may accompany each symbol, the Greek Alphabet Oracle has a phrase that matches to each symbol. The phrase starts with a word that begins with the corresponding letter.

The Seer

Within ADF ritual, the Seer directs the divination for the Omen. They often ask a series of three questions in order to determine the blessings, and then each symbol is interpreted both on its own and then in conjuction with one another.

Common Questions

  1. Have our offerings been accepted?
  2. What blessings or wisdom do we receive in return?
  3. What further needs do the Kindreds have of us?
  1. What blessings or wisdom do the Ancestors have for us today?
  2. What blessings or wisdom do the Nature Spirits have for us today?
  3. What blessings or wisdom do the Shining Ones have for us today?
  1. What is our Path?
  2. On what should the Grove/Community focus?
  3. On what should the individual focus?