About the Initiation Trials

Three Trials

There are three trials you must successfully complete in order to become an initiate:

  1. The Oral Defense
  2. The Full Ritual
  3. The Ordeal

These tests are presided over by three current initiates who serve as the judges for passing on each. If the Initiation occurs at a public event, like a festival, the first two tests are open to all who wish to attend. You may choose to do you initiation at a time that is convenient to you and your initiators, and invite folks to attend the first two tests. The Ordeal is always done privately, with only you and your initiators present.

If you get the chance to attend the Initiation Trials for someone prior to your own Initiation, it is highly recommended. it will give a sense of what will be expected.

You become an Initiate after you have passed the Three Trials and have taken your oath as an initiate. If you fail any of the trials the initiation process stops immediately at that point. Refusing to complete any of the trials will also consitute a failure. You may attempt the Trials again after a failure, provided that you can find three initiators who are willing to conduct them again. Your initiators will have feedback for you should you fail any of the trials.

The Oral Defense

The Oral Defense is the first test. During this portion your initiators will ask you questions pertaining to the coursework and devotional work you have done throughout your initiate studies. These questions will often be directly related to the coursework you have provided to them beforehand, including questions on technical details as well as asking for explanations on the personal work you've described.

Though the public may attend this test, only the Initiators will be asking questions.

You can see an example of what an Oral Defense looks like below, with Rev. Melissa Ashton's defense.

The Full Ritual

The second trial for Initiation is the Full Ritual. This is a complete ADF Core Order of Ritual rite that you run the majority of the parts for, including all of the major magical acts. If necessary you may assign out minor roles to help your ritual flow more smoothly. These often include things such as purification, sacrificer, and bard.

It is important to note that this does not need to be run as a group ritual, but may be run as a completely solitary rite that your initiators simply watch and review. This is particulary important for solitaries. As the Initiate work is at its core a personal practice, don't feel like you need to be pressured in your Initiation Trials to make this your first ever public, group ritual.However, this rite is commonly done as a group ritual, including at least your initiators, as well as any additional folk who may be attending your Trials.

Some things to note while you are planning the ritual:

  • You may use a script or notes if necessary, though if you do you should be comfortable enough with it that its use does not detract from your performance of the rite.
  • The purpose for the rite is one of calling your allies to your side to aid you through the Ordeal, as well as preparing yourself for the work that is to come.
  • the Beings of the Occassion should be those spirits and deities who are your personal allies. Personal offerings are made at this time.
  • you should infuse the Return Flow Waters with the omens that you receive. These blessings will be used to bolster you during the Ordeal
  • the full working is actually the Ordeal, and is removed from the structure of the Core Order when the rite is performed in a public setting. The working you will perform in a public rite is reserving some of the Waters for use during the Ordeal. These Waters will be kept for use in the Ordeal.

The Ordeal

The Ordeal is done with only you and your three initiators present, though if you wish you may invite additional current initiates to take part. It is done in a private location, and typically this occurs at night, after dark.

You are welcome to discuss any concerns with your initiators prior to the start of the ordeal, and they will answer as best they are able without revealing the mystery.

The Oath

Each initiate takes an oath following their successful completion of the Ordeal. This oath is bookended by the same phrases for everyone, but the middle part is written by the initiate.

The bookends are:

"I come the fire at the Center of Worlds

... [insert personal words] ...

And with these tools I will lead others to the flame."

You will then speak this oath to any folks who have gathered to witness your Trials, and it will be sent out to the lists with the announcement email that you are a new Initiate.