The Gates
Function of the Gates in ADF Ritual
The Gates in a formal ADF rite are opened after the Sacred Center is established. We work with a Gatekeeper spirit to aid us in the work of navigating the Crossroads, as well as opening and closing the Gates between worlds. You can visualize the opening Gates in many ways: a parting of mist, the opening of a door, a brightening of the ritual space, or something else that makes sense to you. When the Gates are open it becomes easier to communicate with the Kindreds. However, it is important to note that we have the power to communicate with the Kindreds without the Gates being open, and that many people never open the Gates except during formal rituals.
The Gatekeeper
The Gatekeeper is another spirit that is central to a formal ADF ritual, where they stand at the crossroads and aid us in opening, or holding open, the gates between worlds. They are a liminal spirit, and act as a guide and liaison between the Folk and the Spirits. They often take the role of psychopomp (a guide of souls to the underworld) but any being that can walk between the worlds or exist in all the worlds is able to work with us as a Gatekeeper.
Drawing by Stéphane Mallarmé in Les Dieux Antiques: Nouvelle Mythologie Illustrée in Paris, 1880.
A Sample Script
The following script, written by Rev. Jan Avende, calls to Hekate as the Gatekeeper. It also includes a variation on the typical Fire, Well, and Tree, and uses instead a Fire, Well, and Omphalos (stone) to recreate the sacred center.
Calling for a Gatekeeper
Take a moment now to focus on your breath, and allow your vision eye to open as we seek those guides and allies. Allow the mists of magic to appear, and stepping out from those mists see a figure, garbed in white, holding two torches raised aloft. Hanging on the side of her robes you see a set of golden keys. Keys to all the Realms. This is Hekate. She can see in many directions and go many places.
We call out now to Hekate to guide us in walking between the worlds! Hekate, at moonlit crossroads, you befriend the helpless. Keyholding Mistress of Land, Sea, and Sky. Dark Mother Hekate, ghosts and hounds follow you. You are the black puppy and the black she-lamb. Torchbearer, we praise you for the brightness of your power. We offer you [eggs and wine].
*make offering*
Hekate of the Crossroads be our Guide! Guide us as you guided Demeter in her journey. Reveal to us the way to walk in safety. Radiant Hekate of the Torches, Guiding Light, Keeper of the Keys: join your hidden knowledge and power with ours and help us to open the Gates between the worlds.
Opening the Gates
Let this water become the Well, and open as a Gate to the worlds below. Our connections to the Chthonic beings deepen as the Gate is opened.
Let this flame become the Fire, and open as a Gate to the worlds above. Our connections to the Ouranic beings deepen as the Gate is opened.
Let this Omphalos stand at the center, and mark our sacred center here and in all the worlds. Let the tree wrap its roots around the stone and sink into the Well, and let its branches stretch upwards and reach for the Fire.
We stand here, connected at the Sacred Center to all the realms of Land, Sea, and Sky. Let the Gates be Open!
With Hekate as my guide, I have opened the gates. From below, from around, from above, the mighty kindreds draw near. The gates are open, Children of Earth. Let naught but truth be spoken here and love be shown.
Closing the Gates
Hekate, Key-Holding mistress of the Land, Sea, and Sky, you who have held your torches high for us to travel in safety today. For all the aid that you’ve given to us we say: Hekate, we thank you!
Now, Hekate, hold your torches high once more, and have your keys in hand. Join your magic with mine once more and aid me in closing the gates:
Let this Well be but water, ever sacred in its own right, but no longer a Gate opening to the many paths.
Let this Fire be but a flame, ever sacred in its own right, but no longer a Gate opening to the many ways.
Let the omphalos no longer be the Center of the Worlds holding us at the Crossroads.
Let the Gates be Closed!
Meditations to Connect with Gatekeepers and the Gates
One of the things that can help you to better connect with the concepts of the Gatekeepers and Gates is to seek them in trance. This will allow your Vision Eye to see the Gates as you seek to gain a deeper understanding of them.
A meditation to find the Gates within you, to merge them with the Gates in the physical world. Led by Rev. Michael J Dangler.
Before we open the Gates in ritual, we often do a meditation to connect with the Gatekeeper. This is a meditation from Three Cranes Grove, ADF to connect with their common Gatekeeper, Garanus Crane. Led by Rev. Michael J Dangler.