
a single candle flame burns strongly in the dark

Finding Your Center

One of the foundations of our work as Druids is the ability to not only create the Sacred Center during our worship, but to also find that Sacred Center within ourselves. There are many ways to achieve this, but they all lend themselves to the same thing: to be physically and mentally ready to focus on your connection to the gods and spirits.

The Two Powers

The Two Powers Meditation is the most commonly referenced method of finding your center within ADF. It is designed to both help you center yourself, as well as connect to the powers of Earth and Sky. The Two Powers meditation helps you center yourself by becoming aware of where you stand physically in relation to the world around you, as well as where you stand spiritually in relation to the realms around you.

In the most popular style of this meditation you visual the powers of the waters that dwell deep in the earth, and let them fill you. You then visualise the power of the fire that dwells in the heavens above, and let it fill you. You then visualize those powers mixing and mingling together forming a powerful balance. With those powers filling you, you are then connected to the three realms, acting as a conduit between them.

A Sample Meditation

While following along with a script can be useful for learnign to do a Two Powers Attunement, it is sometimes easier to internalize this process by performing one along with a guide many times. With time and patience you'll learn to not only do it for yourself but also to lead others through a similar meditation.

Additional Two Powers Meditations

While you certainly don't need to listen to all of these, pick a few that strike your fancy and give them a try. By listening to a variety of meditations you'll begin to find your own voice, and will become more comfortable leading them.

The original Two Powers script from the ADF Dedicant Path (p. 95 in the DP handbook as of this writing). Led by Shana French.

A very basic Two Powers meditation, after the original script. Simple, clean, and easy. Led by Rev. Michael J Dangler.

This Two Powers meditation is ideal for Imbolc and early spring, and was written by Rev. Jenni Hunt. Different in form but not function from the other Two Powers meditations, this one is unique to Three Cranes Grove, ADF. Led by Rev. Michael J Dangler.

The Dryad Two Powers Meditation – Designed for a Grove, but excellent when alone as well, this meditation leads the seeker on a path to experience the Two Powers. Led by Rev. Jan Avende.

Reversing the usual Two Powers with a hot earth power and a cool sky power, this one draws the Powers together in fascinating ways. Written by Anne-with-the-Band, Led by Rev. Candy “Sophia” Partlow.

A Two Powers meditation that calls both for the Two Powers we often work with, and inspiration as well. Led by Rev. Michael J Dangler and Rev. Jan Avende.

From the Sunday Druid Service at the Dublin Irish Festival, comes this lovely meditation in two voices. A long-time favorite of Three Cranes Grove, ADF. Led by Lisa Lea Allshouse & J. Lee Mudd.

A centering meditation involving the stone, the cauldron, and the fire. Led by Lisa Lea Allshouse.