
R Berlin Bromstein

2nd Place Award in the Video Category!

1V.  What a Name Holds: The Renaming of Indigenous Peoples by the Canadian Government

Regan Berlin Bromstein

This project provides a brief overview of the way in which the Canadian government has used naming practices to oppress Indigenous People’s. The major focus is on the major cultural component of names, which makes disrupting names an effective tool for systems of oppression. 

E Chau VIDEO.mp4

Early Year Researcher Award Winner!

2V.  A Future for Forensic DNA Phenotyping?

Emily Chau

Forensic DNA phenotyping (FDP) is a technique wherein a predictive facial-sketch is generated based on the DNA of a person of interest. In this video, the application of FDP for victim identification is explored, the development of regulatory frameworks are suggested, and implications of this forensic analysis technique are considered. 

S Kunilova and G Mathyaparana VIDEO.mp4

Honourable Mention! 

3V.  "Worlds Collide" - A Tabletop Game

Gobina Mathyaparana and Stefaniia Kunilova

Social Media and Events Executive at WUSC Stefaniia Kunilova collaborated with Gobina Mathyaparana, president of GDDSA to create “Worlds Collide”, a tabletop game under the Games for WUSC initiative. We created a playful space for people from different backgrounds to share their stories and begin meaningful conversations about their lives. 

C Patey VIDEO.mp4

1st Place Award in the Video Category!

4V.  Female Genital Mutilation

Clara Patey

Female Genital Mutilation is a dangerous practice done to gain control over women’s bodies. This presentation explores the traditions and ideologies behind it, health consequences, reasons it is an ongoing practice today and addresses arguments concerning Western cultural imperialism.