Preventive Care Dentistry

The preventive dentistry is the heart of the conservative, patient-centered approach of the dental care. The dentists concentrate on the proper oral hygiene, plus there are quality preventive treatments that had been offered to help the patient maintain their strong smile. During the routine appointments, the dentists will thoroughly examine the patient's mouth to catch the dental health problems before they become severe problems. Do not neglect the dental health issues visit your dentist for preventive care to assist in maintaining your smile!

Hygiene and cleanings to polish the pearly white teeth

The expert cleanings are important for your teeth’s health. While the teeth are cleaned, the hygienists will appear for any possible concerning problems like signs of gingivitis or gum disease and cavities. Additionally, plaque and tartar came from your gums and teeth and polish the pearly whites by using specialized grade dental tools in keeping the smile more beautiful and brighter.

Fluoride Treatments to reverse the decay damage

The fluoride treatments are the best way to avoid minor tooth decays from progressing into becoming a cavity. The tooth decay will cause the “soft spot” in the enamel, which will simply turn into an irreversible cavity. The fluoride treatments used the highly-concentrated fluoride element to “remineralize” and to strengthen the damaged enamel. It will help to prevent the cavity from forming and then reverses the first stage of tooth decay.

Dental Sealants to protect the teeth from cavities

The dental sealants will keep the molars from cavities. They are especially supportive for patients at high risk of tooth decays. The sealants consisted of an exclusive type of dental resins that are applied to the rearmost teeth within the fluid form. The resin rapidly hardens into the tough plastic barrier. Sequentially, this shields the teeth from the direct contact with acid, food particles and bacteria. Sealants may last until 10 years, making it the best option for both adults and children who wish to avoid cavity formation.

Early detection for oral cancer screenings

The oral cancer screenings have been a part of the every 6-month oral examination. Without the regular dental appointments, the oral cancer will be very hard to identify until it reached Stage 3 or 4 and spread all throughout the body. It will result with poor overall patient outcome. But, the early-stage cancer may be identified with proper screening to make sure that you will get the care that you need before it will be late. The dentists will search for the discoloration, lesions and some other symptoms of oral cancer, then, they will ask questions about your oral health to understand the oral cancer risk that you may possibly have.

Six-Month Checkups

The 6-month checkups have been the greatest way to maintain the gums and teeth healthy and to avoid issues such as infections, gum disease and tooth decay. These routine visits had been important for both children and adults to make sure that the oral health has been on the proper track. The dentist will inspect every cranny and nook of your mouth while you are on checkup to catch also the smallest cavity, then to also keep an eye for any abnormalities.

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