Dental Implants

You have lost your tooth or probably it wasn’t there to start with! Maybe there is decay in the tooth was really deep to restore and probably you are a hockey player that caught the puck… with the front tooth! And so it is time to discuss about dental implants.

What you will expect?

In some instances, it is likely to save the teeth. But, the implant may be used to make sure that the surrounding teeth will not need to be set for the bridge.

You’re the best candidate for the dental implant when you are:

  • In good shape

  • Have healthier gums

  • Have sufficient bone that will anchor the implants within the jaw

  • And are committed to take care of your implanted teeth with the normal brushing and flossing.

The dental implants are the metal posts which are surgically positioned on the jawbone underneath the gums to give that stable support for the artificial teeth. There are some people that have lost their jaw bone that can still get their implants, but initially the bone should be augmented with the bone graft. Bridges and dentures mounted to the dental implant will not shift or slip in your mouth, that will allow you to feel confident and more comfortable about speaking and eating. After receiving implants, there will be regular check-up that is very important with dental implants.

What you will expect?

Many visits – case dependent

Right after giving the local anesthesia, an implant will be cautiously inserted into the bone. Your gums may be sewn over your implant site and you’ll be left to heal it for about 2-3 months depending on an implant site. During the 3-month mark, the test can be completed on your implant to make sure what’s being called osseointegration, or the fusing of an implant to a bone. In this stage, the less contoured healing cap can be attached to an implant to connect an implant to the surface of your gums and help from the gums and have the final crown.

It will unscrew a healing cap and the screw in the impression coping that is specifically created for the implant. The putty impression and an x-ray can be taken to make sure proper fit. Pictures of the teeth will be taken for the dental ceramists to make the life like implant crowns that no one can detect. A healing cap can be replaced and the next visit can be in 2-weeks for the last insertion of a crown.

The last visit can be just as simple as the former one. A healing cap will then be removed the disinfecting mixture may be applied to your implant to get rid of any bacteria, and with the permanent tradition abutment can be tried together with an implant crown. The dental x-rays can be taken to make sure the quality fit and also that there will be no micro-gaps to note in between the implant and an interface of an abutment.

The implant crowns will be made in 2 ways:

  • Screw retained

  • Cement retained

And the dentist knows, and will choose the best one that will fit you!