Torah Cantillation

The recordings below were made on magnetic tape in the 1970s; they are not part of the NLI collection.


The recordings below were made as a single tape for members of the choir to use in learning the ta-ngamim for Torah reading. It has been split into small clips to facilitate study.

Introduction to the taamim by Eliezer Abinun

For a PDF showing the ta'amim in their traditional S&P order, and the music notation, click here.

The taamim for Torah reading

Zarka > Segolta

Pazer Gadol > Talsha

Azla > Gerish



Mehupah > Kadma

Tere Kadmin > Zakef Katon

Zakef Gadol

Sheney Gerishin

Darga > Tevir

Maarich > Tarha > Atnah



Terey Taamey

Tarha > Sof Pasuk

All the taamim together



The Torah reading for Simhat Torah and Shabbat Bereshit, which is read using the elaborate "high naum'.

Bereshit 1

Bereshit 2

Bereshit 3

Bereshit 4

Bereshit 5

Bereshit 6

Bereshit 7

Bereshit 7

Bereshit 8

Bereshit 9

Bereshit 10

Bereshit 11

Bereshit 12

Bereshit 13

Bereshit 14

Bereshit 15

Bereshit 16

Bereshit 17

Bereshit 18

Bereshit 19

Additional recording of the first part of Bereshit, recorded as part of the Whitesleeves LP in the late 1950s:

Perashat Bershit