
These recordings are of the morning Selihot, recited before Shaharit. Traditionally, the S&P communities also have a much shorter form of Selihot said at night, following the Amida of Arbit, entirely based on the morning version with the exception of the opening two verses. By the time Mr Abinun made these recordings that custom had been discontinued in London. Read more about it here.

01 Introduction

02 Ashre

03 Tehilat

04 Half kaddish

05 Lekha Adonai hatsedaka

06 Shabim elekha

07 Ki lo al tsidkotenu

08 El Melekh yosheb 13 attributes

09 Rahamana

10 Vayaabor

11 Anshe emuna abadu

12 El Melekh yosheb 13 attributes

13 Tamahnu meraot

14 El Melekh yosheb 13 attributes

15 Elohenu al taas

16 Elohenu tabo lefanekha tefilatenu

17 Ashamnu mikol am

18 Ribono shel olam

19 Ashamnu beomer ubpoal

20 Leenenu ashaku amalenu

21 note viduy

22 Hatanu tsurenu

23 Meyuhad

24 Ehad Elohenu

25 Likdushat shimkha

26 Elohenu shebashamayim

27 Elohenu shebashamayim 10 days only

28 Elohenu shebashamayim contd

29 Berogez rahem tizkor

30 Elohim ata yadata

31 Anenu abinu

32 Anenu Elohe Abraham

Note: the below is no longer chanted like this, but rather sung to the well-known Yerushalmi tune (which does not entirely fit, musically speaking, with the rest of the service).

33 Rahum vehanun Adon haselihot traditional

34 El rahum shemakh

35 Adonai honenu vahakimenu 10 days only

36 Adonai ase lemaan shemekha

37 Ase lemaan shemakh

38 Ase lemaan Abraham

39 Deane leaniye

40 El erekh apayim 13 attributes

41 Lemitvade hatotav

42 Rahum vehanun rahem alenu vehoshienu

43 Adonai shavat amekha hakshiba

44 Ledavid note Adonai elohe Yisrael

45 Adonai shavat amekha hakshiba

46 Atanu

47 Marana dibishmaya

48 Maran dibishmaya

49 Mitratse berahamim

50 Mahe umase

51 Hayim shaalnu mimakh

52 Elekha Adonai nasati enai

53 Abinu ab harahaman

54 Abinu malkenu abinu ata

55 Abinu malkenu honenu vaanenu

Note: in recent years, the Yerushalmi tune for the below is also used in Lauderdale Road.

56 Shomer Yisrael

57 Kaddish teanu veteateru

58 Shir hamaalot mimaamakim

59 Kaddish yehe shelama
