

00 Introduction

01 Psalm 107

02 Kaddish Leela *

Note: In London there are a variety of "melody pairs" (Yitgadal - Yehe Shemeh) for Kaddish on festivals. Some pairs are associated particularly with the evening service, others with the morning service, but none are linked to a specific festival (unlike in New York, where they are). The specific choice of melody at any particular service is left to the discretion of the hazan, though there would be an attempt to vary the choices over the course of a festival (1st day, 2nd day, Shabbat, 7th day, 8th day). It is a little surprising that Mr Abinun here chose one of the melody pairs more often associated with festival mornings rather than evenings.

Those of us who remember his services recall that he himself, and the other hazzanim, usually used another melody on the first night of Pesah, which is recorded in the Benarroch Archive here.

03 Barechu

03b chat re kaddish tunes

04 alternative kaddish tune

04b alternative kaddish tune 2

04c additional chat *

Note: on the first two nights of Pesah, full Hallel is recited; in these recordings, Rev. Abinun focuses on the musical elements. Examples of the basic Hallel chant can be found here.

05 Hallelu Psalm 117 and 118 tune 1

06 Odeha tune 1

07 ana tune 1

08 Hallelu Psalm 117 and 118 tune 2

09 Odeha and ana tune 2

10 Hallelu Psalm 117 and 118 tune 3

11 Odeha and ana tune 3

12 Hallel tune for circumcision

13 additional chat

14 Yigdal


00 chat

01 Kaddish and Barekhu

02 Amida part1

03 Kedusha

04 Amida part2

05 chat inc. Birkat Cohanim

Keriat haTora

06 Aliyot for keriat haTora

07 Kohaneha and Ba'abur

08 Gadelu

09 Vezot haTora

10 Kohen

11 Levi

12 Shelishi

13 Rebii

14 Hamishi

15 Half Kaddish

17 Elohim tsebaot hashibenu

18 Maftir

19 Half kaddish

20 Elohim tsebaot hashibenu

21 Haftara

22 questions who reads haftara what read from

23 question on Elohim tsebaot

24 question on birkat Kohanim *

Note: in the file below (No25) Rev. Abinun answers a question on whether there are alternative tunes for the haftara in the negative, but there does exist a slight variant for the 'Tlata Depuranuta', the three haftarot read leading up to Tish'a beAb, and the haftara on the morning of the day itself. A recording (made by Rev. Abinun's contemporary, Rev. Halfon Benarroch) of the berakhot can be found here and of one of those haftarot here.

25 request to repeat question on haftara tune

26 Kohen repeat

27 Levi repeat

28 Haftara repeat slight skip at 1min 11

29 closing note