Shabbat Eve

Kabbalat Shabbat:

01 Mizmor leDavid

02 Bame Madlikin

03 Lecha Dodi

04 Amar Ribi Elazar

05 Kaddish derabbanan incomplete

06 Mizmor shir leyom hashabbat

Note: in recent years, the chant for Adonai Malakh as below has only been used for the three weeks between 17th Tamuz and Tish'a beAb; usually, it is sung to the tune of 'He that shall endure', from Mendelsohn's Elijah.

07 Adonai malakh traditional

08 Lebetekha kaddish

09 Barekhu

Shema and berakhot:

10 Barukh asher bidbaro

11 Ahabat olam

12 Shema

13 Veemuna kol zot

14 Hashkibenu

15 Veshameru

16 Ubayom hashebii reprise

17 Kaddish leela

Silent Amida, then service conclusion:

18 Vaychulu

19 Meen sheva

20 Kaddish titkabal

21 Psalm 23

22 Kaddish yehe shelama

23 Barekhu alenu

24 Yigdal

25 Kiddush