Kippur Arbit

01 Introduction questions on minha timing shema koli

02 Shema koli

03 note taking out sefarim

04 Kohanekha gadelu

05 Bishiba shel mala

06 Kal nidrei x3

07 question on kal nidre

08 Sheheheyanu

09 Prayer for royal family

10 Prayer for congregation

11 Prayer for State of Israel

12 Prayer for hatan Tora

13 Prayer for hatan Bereshit

14 Prayer for inquisition victims

15 note on prayer for inquisition victims

16 Prayer for those travelling

17 Yimlokh

18 Mizmor leDavid

19 note hashkabot

20 Hashkaba for men

21 Hashkaba for women

22 Vehu rahum

23 Barekhu

24 Barukh maarib arabim

25 Ahabat olam

26 Shema barukh shem

27 Veahabta et Adonai

28 Vehaya im shamoa

29 Vayomer Adonai el Moshe

30 Veemuna kol zot

31 Hashkibenu

32 Ki bayom haze

33 Q and A hashkibenu aron open

34 Half kaddish

35 Call and response tefila leDavid

36 Ana bekorenu

37 Adonai shemaa

Note: the passage below introducing the 13 attributes, 'vaya'abor', occurs many times throughout Kippur. The first and last instance of it in each service (as in the below at 0:36) are performed to a more elaborate tune.

38 El melekh yosheb 13 attributes

39 Ki bayom haze

40 Rahamana

41 Vayaabor 13 attributes

42 Ki bayom haze

43 Question on speed

44 Anshe emuna abadu

45 El melekh yosheb 13 principles

46 Ki bayom haze

47 Questions on text

48 Tamanu meraot

49 El melekh yosheb 13 attributes

50 Ki bayom haze

51 Hatanu tsurenu

52 Meyuhad

53 Anenu abinu

54 Anenu Elohe Abraham

55 Adon haselihot traditional (see note in selihot section on file 33)

56 El rahum shemakh

57 Adonai honenu vahakimenu

58 Adonai ase leman shemekha

59 Ase lemaan shemakh

60 Ase lemaan Abraham

61 Likdushat shimakh

62 Elohenu shebashamayim

63 Vayaabor 13 attributes

64 Ki bayom haze

65 Elohenu al taas

66 Elohenu tabo lefanekha tefilatenu

67 Ashamnu mikol am

68 Ribono shel olam

69 Ashamnu kahal

70 Leenenu ashaku amalenu

71 Ashamnu quiet

72 Ma nomar lefanekha yosheb marom

73 Al het

74 Al hataim

75 Adir venaor

76 Kakatub al yad nebiekha

77 Kaddish teanu veteateru

Note: there is an S&P custom to pronounce this first word of this psalm as 'asharei'

78 Psalm 1

79 Psalm 2

80 Psalm 3

81 Psalm 4

82 Kaddish yehe shelama kahal

83 Barekhu

84 Alenu

85 Yigdal

86 note echal closed

87 question keter malkhut

88 questions on text who says what