Rosh Hashanna Shaharit

N.B. This set of recordings contains only those parts of the service which are unique to Shaharit on Rosh Hashana; the remainder of the service is as on any other special morning. In the list below the lines in grey font indicate the part of the service that goes there (page references are for the London 'New Year Service' book), recordings for which can be found in the Shabbat Shaharit section.

01 Introduction

Beginning of service-Psalm 103 (pg44-59)

02 Adonai hu haElohim

03 Adonai melekh

04 note

Vehaya Adonai lemelekh-Shirat hayam (pg59-73)

05 Elohai al tedineni (Day 1)

06 Shofet kol haarets (Day 1)

Note: the below file contains a note on the traditional S&P pronunciation of the letter 'ayin, as a ng sound rather than the guttural pronunciation used by other Sephardim or the lack of pronunciation by Ashkenazim. For ease of use this spelling has been avoided in the compiling of this archive. Read more here.

07 Question on ngayin

08 note

09 Adonai yom lekha (Day 2)

10 note

Nishmat kol hai (pg77-78)

11 Yishtabakh haboher reprise

12 Yede rashim (Day 1)

13 note

14 Yah shimkha (Day 2)

Shema and berakhot:

15 Half kaddish

16 Barekhu

17 Barukh yotser or

Hakol'al Yisrael (pg81-86)

18 note question on opening aron


19 Amida magen Abraham

20 Amida ata gibor

21 Kedusha

22 Amida ata kadosh

23 Amida ata behartanu

24 Amida retse

25 Amida modim

26 Birkat Kohanim

Note: the berakha here in the hazara should begin, as in the silent Amida, with 'sim shalom' through to 'berob oz veshalom', then the hazan continues with the below.

27 Amida veatem hadebekim

28 question kahal participation

29 Abinu malkenu

30 Kaddish teanu veteateru

31 notes off record

32 intro to next section

33 Lemaankha (Day 1)

34 Yaane bebor abot (Day 2)

Keriat haTora:

Kohanekha-haEl tamim darko (pg95-96)

35 note aliya berakha

36 Rishon day 1

37 Sheni day 1

38 Shelishi day 1

39 Rebii day 1

40 Hamishi day 1

41 note

42 Rishon day 2

43 Sheni day 2

44 Shelishi day 2

45 Rebii day 2

46 Hamishi day 2

47 Maftir

48 questions on keriat hatora at lauderdale

49 Haftara day 1 and opening berakhot

50 Haftara day 2 and closing berakhot

51 Prayer for royal family

52 Prayer for kahal

53 questions on keriat hatora haftara


54 Et shaare ratson

55 Libritekha reprise

56 Adonai bekol shofar

57 Ala Elohim bitrua verses

58 Berakhot shofar

59 note on notes

60 Ashre haam yodei terua

61 announcement of Tsom Gedalia