Welcome to 'A Life in Lockdown' Exhibition: Memories of Covid-19 in Gloucestershire 2020...

The Museum of Gloucester invited everyone in the county to capture their memories of #Gloucestershire during the period of #lockdown, for an exhibition titled ‘A Life in Lockdown’

Unfortunately at this time, we are unable to display these memories in an exhibition at the museum, so have taken the decision to launch the exhibition online here from 3 December 2020, as well as a producing a permanent record of this period in our digital collection.

🏆 There will also be chance to vote for an overall ‘People’s Choice’ award in the New Year 2021…🏆

Please help to support this and future exhibitions and the museum, by making a donation...

Please enjoy the exhibition!


All content was taken between 20/03/20 and 21/08/20. We will soon be doing a call out for content from 21/08/20...

All content owner names, date taken and descriptions sit underneath the image/video. Descriptions have been added as they were submitted in the interest of authenticity, but if you spot anything incorrect or have any queries, please contact us.