11-Matter and Its Properties



NC Standards - Matter: Properties and Change

5.P.2 Understand the interactions of matter and energy and the changes that occur.

5.P.2.1 -- Explain how the sun’s energy impacts the processes of the water cycle (including, evaporation, transpiration, condensation, precipitation and runoff).

Lesson 1, What are properties of matter?

Lesson 2, How do atoms combine?

Lesson 3, How do phase changes occur?

Lesson 4, What are mixtures and solutions

1.  What are mixtures?

2. How can mixtures be separated?

3. What is an alloy?

4. What is an example of a homogenous mixture?

5. What is an example of a heterogenous mixture?

6. What is a solution?

7. What is a solute?

8. What is a saturated solution?

9. What is a diluted solution?

10.   What is an example of a saturated or heavily concentrated solution?

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