TLS Visit (Appointment)

This page was last updated in February 2024 based on information known at the time. This information may become out of date over time

Copy your passport before the appointment

Updated 10/02/24

Reminder emails before the Appointment

Updated 10/02/24 

Children under 12 years of age


Updated 07/02/23

The Appointment

Updated 24/01/24 

Before you leave the TLS office

Updated 10/02/24

After the Appointment

Return of passports

Documents needed when applicant collects their own passport

Additional documents when passport collected by 3rd party including by spouse/partner

Updated 10/02/24

Contacting TLS

The general  phone number is +44 (0)800 066 8788. TLS advise that it is available Monday to Friday, from 8:00 to 17:00. 

Like many organisations TLS prefers a form to be used to make initial email contact. This enables a "case" to be set up and tracked". An automated acknowledgement is created, you may need to check your junk file. 

All centres support general inquiries, but if you wish to contact a specific centre then use one of the three links below:

You with probably get an automated acknowledgement but it might not contain any information specific to you inquiry. Therefore, it is your own interests to take a screenshot of what was sent in case this become important at a later stage.

The quality and effectiveness of the responses can vary considerably.

For application specific inquiries TLS requires your TLScontact application reference number. This can be found when signing into the online TLS account and is on your appointment booking confirmation letter.  When phoning TLS will expect you to be using the mobile number that was quoted in the application form. 

Last updated 19/01/2024

What is TLS?

Updated 19/03/23
Last updated 10/02/24 15;30