From the Editor's Desk

When I first had the idea of an art magazine for the Evanston community I had no idea what kind of response I would get. While I know that Evansotonians are huge supporters of the arts, I wasn’t sure how comfortable people would feel putting their art out there for the public. Art is often deeply personal and sharing it can make people feel vulnerable. In addition, many people believe that their drawings, photography, or writings qualify as “hobbies” and aren’t at the level of “art”. I really hope that this magazine will allow more people to realize their inner artist and indulge in their creative pursuits.

When we chose COVID-19 as the theme I was a little nervous that it might make for a depressing premiere issue. Nobody has walked away from the past 18 months unchanged and that has definitely been reflected in our submissions but I was pleasantly surprised by how hopeful many of the submissions were.

Once again I’d like to thank everyone who submitted their art, who passed along our submission call, and who reads our magazine.

Best Wishes,

Kellye Fleming