21 Paper Hungry Robot
Paper Hungry Robot - eat everything!
This is another version of Hungry Robot which I built in 2018. You can make this robot without 3d printer. All you need to do is just buying a can of Pringles, a servo motor, a proximity sensor, an arduino and some of tools. You can download all the files from the drawing to the source code for it. If you have any questions, please leave comment and I will reply as soon as possible.
Overall Information
[ Parts & Manual]
[ Instruction ]
Youtube https://youtu.be/3qnU8uD0utM
[ Download Link ]
Source Code https://github.com/happythingsmaker/TrashEatingRobot
Drawing File (PDF: Print it with "Actuall Size") https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2984461
Arduino IDE https://www.arduino.cc/en/Main/Software
Install CH340 Driver (for Chinese version) http://www.wch.cn/download/CH341SER_ZIP.html
[ About the maker ]
Youtube http://youtube.com/EunchanPark
Print PDF Drawing
URL : Drawing File (PDF: Print it with "Actuall Size") https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2984461
Round shape part
Cut the paper and put it on the cardboard. These parts are to separate space inside of the robot.
Body Part
Put the paper on the empty Pringles bin and cut the bin along the line. You have to be careful when you cut the bin. As you can see the picture, you need to put the thumb behind the cutter's direction.
Head Part
You can make the head part as the same we made the body frame. If you have a proper tool, use it. If you don't have, you can just use stationary like a sharp pencil. The hole is used for link frame.
Hand Part 1 : Frame
It is very straight forward. Attach the paper on the Pringles and cut them along the line.
There are 2 holes for links and 2 square holds for the servo motor.
Hand Part 2 : Servo Motor Horn
If you buy the servo motor, the horns are enclosed. You need to make it secure them using a hot melt glue,
Making a Link
This is an important link for making the head open at the same time when the hand moves.
Sensor Part
Because the Pringles bin is not big enough to have a board such as an Arduino Shield. So, we need to make it as small as possible. So, we need to cut the wire and strip the wires one by one. The white material is "Closed End Cap". Wire to cables one by one.
Servo Motors
As we made a sensor part, we need to make the motor cable.
Arduino Part
CH340 Driver (for Chinese Version)
Download the Source Code
Source Code : https://github.com/happythingsmaker/TrashEatingRobot
If you don't know how to upload a source code file into your Arduino, follow this picture.
Board - "Arduino Nano"
Processor - "ATmega328 (Old version - if yours is Chinese version)
Plug a USB cable
Wait a 5 second
open "Device Manager"
Check the com port
Check the Com port
Click upload button
Body Assembly - Part 1
Put the servo motor and the sensor and secure them using a hot melt glue.
Body Assembly - Part 2 (Circuit)
Now, let's assemble everything with the Arduino. The first picture shows how they will be connected.
Body Assembly - Part 3 (Hand and Body)
Because this robot is very small size, mechanical parts such as bearings doesn't need to be used. Just use cable ties. Put the horn on the servo motor and put power into the Arduino using USB cable. Adjust the angle of motor and hand.
Body Assembly - Part 4 (Link and Head)
In order to make the head move with the hand at the same time, you need to assemble the link both the hand frame and the head frame.
Let's attach eyeballs using Blu-tack
If you have any question, feel free to leave yours. Thank you!