
April 1, 2008 Orange Peel Mural

Orange Peel Mural 2010



Home At Last, At Last

By: Staff Writer, Jim Allen

September 17, 2004

Pg. 1

Buena Football finally has a stadium to call their own.  Construction for the stadium started on June 5, 2003 costing around 3.8 million dollars.  Many people pitched in with fundraising to help make it possible!  The fundraising campaign was called Home At Last, the ribbon-cutting ceremony was on March 18th, 2004.  Kory Dixon scored the first touchdown on the new field for Buena.  The new stadium is not only for football but also holds girls and boys soccer games as well as track and band. The Buena stadium now holds track meets, football games, school rallies, soccer games and more. It was a huge addition to our school.



News: Stadium Phase 2

By: Staff  Writer, Jason Pleis 

September 23, 2005 

School started off with $300,000 for the stadium due to local donations. Things were needed such as bathrooms. The biggest issue in phase 2 was building of the home/visitor ticket booths. Gabe Gonzalez (part of the stadium committee) was excited and very hopeful in the process even if there were any setbacks.



Features: The Gas Game 

By: Staff Writer, Mark Gagne

September 23, 2005 

Since April 2003, the average gas price has been $2 for a gallon and in 2005 there was a new average of $1.70 per gallon. Gas prices have gone up due to demand for crude oil and Hurricane Katrina in the oil platforms in the gulf of mexico. Solutions: Don’t turn on AC, just roll down a window, make the trunk lighter by removing unnecessary items, etc. 



News: Donorwall/ Phase 2 of Stadium

By:  Staff  Writer,  Jason Pleis

December 2, 2005

The fountain and donor list before entering the stadium was being worked on in order to pay respects to those who helped build the stadium. As well as team rooms, more bathrooms and the concession stand being part of phase two. After further investigation and the help of architects, the bill had dropped from nearly 2 million to 1.5 million. 



Viewpoint: Viva Mexico

By: Staff Writer, Max Halpern

December 2, 2005

Considering the beautiful Mexican culture and advertising, people should travek to Mexico rather than Europe. In addition, the writer recommends not only traveling to the tourist destinations in Mexico, but to also appeciate the culture throughout Culican and Mexico City. Traveling to Mexico is defined on the cheaper side but is rich within culture, food, and the welcomingness of the people. During one student's trip to Culican during October break, he was welcomed with his broken Spanish, was invited to a Tomateros game (baseball) and ate delicious homemade pozole.



We Sadly Say Farewell To Mr. Johnson

By: Staff Writer, Tanny Cecena

May 6, 2005

Pg. 1

Mr. Johnson was Buena’s principal for 6 years, ending his time at Buena in 2005. Mr. Johnson was known for being fun and loving this school so much. He had ASB donate $20,000 to fix the school's quad that was a disaster. A quad full of donut marks and nowhere to sit was fixed to have green green grass with picnic tables and flowers bringing the quad back to life. Mr. Johnson also helped with the planning and fundraising for the new stadium. He says his time at Buena was very interesting and challenging but he had a good run. Mr. Johnson was also known for helping students and encouraging them to do their best in school.



News: Our New Principle

By: Staff Writer, Morgan Harvey

June 3, 2005

Pg. 2

May 25 the Bulldogs welcomed a new principal Mrs. Kyunghae Schwartz. She was described as brilliant, and compassionate, always willing to help people in need. Before Buena, she was Camarillo High School’s assistant principal. She had many goals to reach for her time at Buena making the students her first priority. 



Features: Orange You Excited To Repaint "The Peel"

By: Staff Writer, Caitie Rolls

June 3, 2005

Pg. 4

An old tradition of Buena’s was to repaint out quad orange peel every year. The tradition seems to have stopped back in 2014 but in 2004 there was some controversy surrounding it. In the 2005 newspaper they address that the graduating class had a group in charge of repainting the peel. Some thought that the 2003 class had done such a great job that they should leave it and not paint it again to save it for future generations. Nevertheless the art teacher Mrs. Sepulveda approved for the peel to be painted again. The 2005 Orange Peel was set to pay homage to the retiring principal Mike Johnson and the loved Coach Scot



New Gym, New Problems

By: Staff Writer, Sami Whitecomb 

June 3, 2005

In 2005 we had our gym redone and our teams had to temporarily practice at the middle school Anacapa. They changed the old worn bleachers for sturdy black bleachers. Also new basketball hoops and a new scoreboard decorating the wall. With renovations happening there were also some sewage problems. The problems were disturbing the gym’s foundation making it soft and rising. Despite the problems the gym is secure and will be holding games and practices again



Senior Predictions

By: Seniors class of 2005

June 3, 2005

Pg. 10

In the old newspaper, they had a page dedicated to the seniors' predictions for their futures. Some of the best include Chris Orr who in 10 years wanted to have a pub in Ireland with a chickadee and a herd of goats. Bailey de Bruykops predicts she will be a dictator of the small island off the coast of New Guinea. And Laura Jones predicts that Leah Collins will meet Johnny Depp and run away with him. It’s fascinating to think that all these people are now in their mid 30s and some of them might actually be reaching these goals




Palestenian Elections

By: Staff Writer, Jason Pence

March 2, 2006

After the Palestinian elections of January 26, the Hamas party had held majority of parliament seats and controlled the Palestinian government. The U.S had contributed in order to inform other countries to not act in any form of terrorism in order to help the people of Palestine and form peace in the Middle East. 



Viewpoint: Positives of Terrorism

By: Staff Writer, Mark Gagne

March 2, 2006

The new discoveries of 9/11 had been gas masks which had been used by fire departments and SCUBA divers in order to save lives during the terrorist attack. With help from the U.S., terrorist attacks have helped citizens in South America become safe from drug cartels. Lastly, terrorist attacks have impacted Americans' work lives. Many had been presented with opportunity of working for the CIA, NSA or FBI in order to keep citizens of America and other countries safe from terrorism. 



News: No More Seagulls

By: Staff Writer, Danya Al- Saleh

April 2, 2006


In order to keep seagulls away from campus, Buena High School had "supposedly" come up with a plan. With the help of experienced seagull exterminators, they would use high-tech covering to cover the campus with termites. This "supposedly" took place during Spring Break in order for students to come back to a poop-free school!



Sports: No Turtles on This Team 

By: Staff Writer, Jackson Pence

April 2, 2006

Buena’s new track had helped track athletes perform and understand their specialty for their running events. Although they recently lost against San Marcos, they still scored points all throughout the board. This included the 300 and 110 hurdles, long and high jump and in shot. The Buena track and field team is hopeful for the future and still continues to strive for that win against Ventura High School.



News: Fighting Hate

By: Staff Writer, Rebecca Kim

January 19, 2007

An outstanding student took the next step in order to make his school a hate-free zone. His name was Mario Rodriguez who had recently immigrated from Mexico. He wanted to help others as well as himself as he faced racism. Mario was a proud leader of Future Leaders of America and MECHA. To further his need to help, he had recently been in Washington D.C in order to attend the Anti- Defamation League (ADL). The ADL helps young adults fight against racism, harassment and other hate crimes. One can learn a lot about Mario and his ways of fighting hate.



Sports: Determined to Win CIF 

By: Staff Writer, Chris Norton

January 19, 2007

Buena girls’ division II soccer had a difficult yet inspirational game against West Torrance. Battling for a goal, Buena had a strong defense that was helped by Kelly Brookshire that ensured another goal for Buena after Emily Cressy. With great leadership skills, all girls on the keep became determined to win. To this day, the Buena girls soccer team continues to train and play hard. Go Bulldogs!



News: Local Elections 

By: Staff Writer Billy Schaefer 

October 17, 2008

Local Elections are also very important. Many may only worry about presidential elections, but in many cases, local elections can be the best way to improve your everyday life, and especially those living in Ventura County. During the 2008 congressional elections, Elton Gallegly and Marta Johnson were running. They both had great knowledge to offer to the community but experts were estimating that 70% of the votes would go to Gallegly and about 30% would go to Marta Johnson. 



Viewpoint: The Oil Crisis 

By: Staff Writer, Bill Schaefer

October 17, 2008

According to the author, the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) had made a great impact on gasoline prices. OPEC controlled how much oil they sold, to whom, and how. With the OPEC strict rule of only producing 32 million barrels a day, their decrease took over when oil became essential to our everyday lives. 



Viewpoint: Drink to Have Fun, Drink and Throw Up

By: Staff Writer, Grace Kim 

June 4, 2009

Drinking is mainly influenced by peer pressure, especially in high school. Peer pressure influences our daily lives, but it is one’s choice to become a follower or a leader. Students may think that there is no better way to spend a Saturday night than going to a house party and getting wasted. Many may not know the side effects of drinking at such a young age. Drinking can cause liver problems, heart problems and weight gain. And not to mention, when under the influence, many can look like the clown of the party. Save yourself the embarrassment… Stay classy bulldogs! Some other suggestions to avoid drinking would be to go bowling with friends, go out to dinner with your loved ones, or even hanging out with your siblings. 



Sports: Strong Finish, Great Season

By: Staff Writer, Jessica Zaksek 

June 4, 2009

Buena’s track and field team continues to strive for greatness. The year of 2009 was full of great runners, such as Brent Alves who ran the 4x400 meter race, and Johnathan Beeson who placed second overall in the 200 meter. Lastly was Chris Frias who took home a win with his 4x400 meter relay. They started off with a good season and ended off with an even better one. To this day, Buena athletes work hard for the title in the league and are eager to beat Ventura. Don’t forget to cheer on your track team, Bulldogs!



News: New Presidency 

By: Staff Writer, Grace Littig

February 25, 2009

During 2009, Obama’s recent presidency was all that was talked about. When he first came into office, he contributed to making history. According to the article, Obama promised o lead in the closure of Guantanamo Bay which was prison to keep away “terrorists.” Secondly, on January 23rd, 2009, Obama had contributed to the distribution of knowledge of birth control, abortion, and taking care of a child to woman in third world countries. Lastly, Obama impacted the stimulus package in the early 2000s economic recession. From the money provided by Congress and Senate as of February, $40 billion was distributed to help out states and $1.4 billion for the National Science Foundation (according to newspaper). Although America faced a great economic crisis, Obama tried his best to get past it and keep America moving forward. 



Personality: Blue-Eyed Italian 

By: Staff Writer, Tessa Calahan

February 25, 2009

Not only known for his stereotypical Italian looks, Nick Hudson was noted to be an amazing swimmer/diver and was even compared to be as good as an Olympian. Along with his great talents, he hoped to pursue a career in medicine or law, allowing him to “earn the big money” according to Nick himself. With his dream of making big money, he was dedicated to his schoolwork. He attended AP Calculus, AP Physics and AP English. He was accepted to Cal Poly SLO which was given a major in Biomedical engineering according to the newspaper. Along with his looks, great athletics and intelligence, he was said to be a “friendly guy.”

Mural Outside the Drama Room, 2008

(Artists: Amber Wolff, Tara Hyde, & Sheila Farr)

Drama Trip to London/Paris, January 2009

Works Cited

Al-Saleh, Danya. "No More Seagulls." Buena Vista  [Ventura, CA], vol. XLIII no. 6. 2 April 2006.

Allen, Jim. "Home At Last, At Last." Buena Speaks [Ventura, CA] vol. XLIV, no. 1. 17 September 2004.

Buena High School. Buena Bulldogs Vol. 44. Ventura: Graduating Class of 2005. Print Archives, Buena High School Library.

Buena High School. Buena Bulldogs, Vol. 45. Ventura: Graduating Class of 2006. Print Archives, Buena High School Library.

Buena High School. Buena Bulldogs, Vol. 46. Ventura: Graduating Class of 2007. Print Archives, Buena High School Library.

Buena High School. Buena Bulldogs, Vol. 47. Ventura: Graduating Class of 2008. Print Archives, Buena High School Library.

Buena High School. Buena Bulldogs, Vol. 48. Ventura: Graduating Class of 2009. Print Archives, Buena High School Library.

Calahan, Tessa. "Blue-Eyed Italian." Buena Vista [Ventura, CA], vol. XLIII, no. 5. 25 February 2009.

Cecena, Tanny. "We Sadly Say Farewell To Mr. Johnson." Buena Speaks [Ventura, CA] vol. XLIII. no. 7. 6 May, 2005.

Gagne, Mark. "Positives of Terrorism." Buena Vista [Ventura, CA], vol. XLIII, no. 5. 2 March 2006.

Gagne, Mark. "The Gas Game." Buena Vista [Ventura, CA], vol. XLV, no. 1. 23 September 2005.

Halpern, Max. "Viva Mexico." Buena Vista [Ventura, CA], vol. XLV no. 3. 2 December 2005.

Harvey, Morgan. "Our New Principle." Buena Speaks [Ventura, CA] vol. XLIII. no. 8. 3 June, 2005. 

Kim, Grace. "Drink to Have Fun, Drink and Throw Up." Buena Vista [Ventura, CA], vol. XLIII, no. 8. 4 June 2009.

Kim, Rebecca. "Fighting Hate." Buena Vista [Ventura, CA], vol. XLV, no. 4. 19 January 2007.

Littig, Grace. "New Presidency." Buena Vista [Ventura, CA], vol. XLIII, no. 5. 25 February 2009.

Norton, Chris. "Determined to Win CIF." Buena Vista [Ventura, CA], vol. XLV, no. 4. 19 January 2007.

Pence, Jackson. "No Turtles on This Team." Buena Vista [Ventura, CA], vol. XLIII, no. 6. 2 April 2006.

Pence, Jason. "Palestenian Elections." Buena Vista [Ventura, CA], vol. XLIII, no. 5. 2 March 2006.

Pleis, Jason. "Stadium Phase 2." Buena Vista [Ventura, CA] vol. XLV, no. 1. 2005.

Pleis, Jason. "Donorwall/Phase 2 of Sadium." Buena Vista [Ventura, CA], vol. XLV, no. 3. 2 December 2005.

Rolls, Caitie. "Orange You Excited To Repaint "The Peel." [Ventura, CA] vol. XLIII. no. 8. 3 June, 2005.

Schaefer, Billy. "Local Elections." Buena Vista [Ventura, CA], vol. XLIV, no. 2. 17 October 2008.

Schaefer, Billy. "The Oil Crisis." Buena Vista [Ventura, CA], vol. XLIV, no. 2. 17 October 2008.

Senior Class of 2005. "Senior Predictions." [Ventura, CA] vol. XLIII. no.8. 3 June, 2005.

Whitcomb, Sami. "New Gym, New Problems." [Ventura, CA] vol. XLIII. no. 8. 3 June, 2005. 

Zaksek, Jessica. "Strong Finish, Great Season." Buena Vista [Ventura, CA], vol. XLIII, no. 8. 4 June 2009.

This part of the project was completed by:

Mia Perez & Mikaela Garza: Researcher

Bridget Rodriguez, Mariah Megana, & Jordan Watts: Archivist

Julissa Olivas & Juliet Lichtman: Narrator

Kaelyn Caulfield & Trevor McCormick: Web Designer

Mr. Downey: Editor