Videos & Audio

1962 Graduation Footage.avi

1982-1983 Time Capsule Video

This video shows the Buena High School class of 1982-1983 opening a 20-year-old time capsule left by the class of 1962. It begins with the ceremony where they opened the time capsule, and then includes various footage and interviews showing what Buena was like in 1982-1983. This video was left inside another time capsule that was intended to be opened in 2002-2003, but was unearthed in 1992, only to be rediscovered on accidence in 2003.

This audio recording was made during the final assembly of 1962 by Buena's first graduating class. It includes the boy and girl of the 4th quarter and the year, a speech for the class of 1982 by principal Arleigh McConnell, some student speeches, and the school's Alma Mater starting at 42:03.

Disney produced this short film in 1970, called "Dad... Can I Borrow the Car." The Driver's Ed scenes were shot at Buena High School, including Buena teacher Mr. Wiggins. The scene at Buena starts around 9:40.

1972 Artasia Festival at Buena High School.mp4

1972 Artasia Festival at Buena High School. This event brought various professional artists from across the state (from musicians to painters and welders) to come and perform, share, and discuss their arts with BHS students. This video was directed, filmed, written, and edited by Roy Hathorn, class of 1972.

BHS Choir 1962 Record

In 1962, the Buena HS Choir made a record that was manufactured by Location Recording Service, a label based out of Hollywood, CA at the time.

Ventura County Secondary Schools 10th Annual Music Festival 1962

In 1962, the following record was manufactured by Century Records, from Saugus, CA.

Robin Hood 1966

Click here for the entire recording (6 records!) of the Buena High School Choir's 1966 Production of Robin Hood!

Memorial Video the Class of 1965

The Buena High School Marching Band (Pride of the Gold Coast!) appearing in the 1983 Rose Parade.

Dedicating Amy's Garden

Buena received national award from the National Parks Service

Buena High School 2016 Lip Dub

Buena High School & "Dude! Be Nice!" thanks campus security Liz & Carol

Buena High School "Shake It Off" Video

Mr. Emmet Cullen receives the Bronze Star for his service in the Iraq War.

Buena High School Alma Mater (Updated for 2022).mov

Buena High School Alma Mater

(Recorded 2020)

Buena High School Drone Footage 2015

Buena HS Marching Band's 2021 Show

2020-2021 Graduation

Coach Vaughan Interview

Playlist of the Buena High Schools Choir's Not-So-Silent Night albums.