Digital Archive

Note: This page consists of all of the historical sources that we've been able to digitize so far. We hope to add to this page over time as more and more yearbooks, newspapers, and pictures are found and digitized. If you have anything to contribute, please email what you have (along with a brief explanation for some context) to Kevin Downey at, and/or fill out this Google Form:

This page contains digital scans of Buena's Yearbooks.

This page contains various students newspapers, handbooks, and literary magazines.

This page contains photos from Buena's past.

This page contains various awards, notable alumni, and school records.

This page contains various video and audio recordings from Buena's past.

This page contains a few written accounts from some former Bulldogs.

This page contains recordings of interviews with Buena alumni and staff.

This page contains photographs from the 1962 and 1982 Time Capsules.


This project utilized the Buena High School yearbooks (the Conquistador), student newspapers (the Buena Vista), student and staff handbooks, photos, videos, time capsules, narratives, and oral histories, all available in the school's library, or here on this digital archive website. Each page has its own Works Cited Page as well.