Fahrenheit cooks box office with its confusing story line and hard to see scenes

F451 Gets 2 out of 5 stars. Here's why

The movie Fahrenheit 451 makes huge improvements from its first movie, but still is hard to follow along with. The beginning the viewers were left with very little historical background and very dark picture, making it not very suspenseful, but overall confusing.

Fahrenheit 451 is based off the novel by Ray Bradbury. The story takes place in a dystopian society where all books are burned for confusing people and upsetting easily offended people. The movie is directed by Ramin Bahrani with Michel B Jordan as Guy, and Michel Shannon as Captain Beatty.

There are some major changes from book to movie which make the movie have a completely different story line. The big change is Mildred is simply not there. We don't get the same experience as in the book because Mildred shows the average person in this dystopian society. Mildred was also supposed to bring out more character in Guy and show some of his emotions.

Another reason this movie gets a low review, is because of the darkness. It is supposed to build suspense, but when you don't show any daylight and make it so dark you can barely tell whats happening, it doesn't give the same effect. The music also sometimes didn't match the mood. Music is a very important part in movies and how people feel during certain tragedy scenes or suspenseful scenes. Music is used that doesn't quite fit the scenes giving the movie a very plain mood and not stimulating senses like they were intended to be felt.

There were some parts that did have excitement and emotion like when the lady burns herself and you see the effect on Montag. You could understand why she did it and know that Montag wants to know why she would burn herself instead of live in this life. It showed a turning point in the movie of Montag's views making it very entertaining to watch.

Overall Fahrenheit 451 didn't put the viewer in the same world as Ray Bradbury did which is why I gave it 2 out of 5. I would recommend this movie to anyone who has nothing to do and wants an ok movie to watch and maybe they could think about how easily it is for our society to be like this.