blog 1 2/14: I only had DTech 1 day this week because I was sick so I didn't get to do very much. We started planning our project for our station and we decided on a chair. Each group or team of 2 is going to be in charge of a certain part but we will all help each other out. I know there will be a lot of time to use the cnc but I'm worried the rain will not let us use it as much as we need. I know there are a lot of permits and other unnecessary things you have to do to get a cover over the outside "Square". I"m probably just worrying too much and it will be fine.

Blog 2 2/21: This week was very productive because we started to put together our chair. It was pretty hard at the start making sure our measurements lined up but once we started comparing parts in an assembly tab it made it much easier and helped me a lot. I need to adjust the connecting piece tonight or over the weekend so it can fit with Spencer's frame. I also think Eli's seat is really cool and has such a better design than the one we thought of. I am going to watch all the cnc videos this weekend because I really want to get the safety test out of the way.

Blog 3 Feb 28 - This week we finished our chair design and we are now focusing on cutting as much as possible. I wish we could cut but its raining today and your cant really use cnc in the rain. A lot of my house members are complaining that CNC is boring and right now I have to agree because we just aren't moving as fast as I would like at least in learning the machines and using them as often as possible because the more you do something the better you will get at it.

Blog 4 March 7 - Monday and Tuesday we were going to use the cnc but it rained. On Thursday we had to figure out all the settings for it. We asked all the other houses that did cnc but they didn't know either. After a lot of research we did it and it was smooth sailing from there. Tuesday of next week I'm going to try to cut one of my designs by myself but ill need help at some point. I also think our chair isn't going to be as big or detailed as we want because of time, and yeah just time. It would take forever to cut the pieces we have. We will figure it out eventually.

blog 5: 3/15 This week was crazy, we had 3 houses split up and form new ones. I think trying to make something work if its broken is pointless. You need to find out whats wrong and fix it. Cameron left our house and we agreed to let Rozzo in. I think we have a solid team still. Everyone kind of does there own projects(besides the big house project) and everyone is always happy to help anyone else who needs it. Besides the "House Drama" Gavin and I worked on one of his skim board designs. Obviously we had a little oopsie with the clamps and with the settings. But because of this, I at least know what I'm doing and know what not to do.

blog 6 3/22 This week I have a lot to do but "Lodestone" is using the cnc for the thank you gift. I made a sticker for my octo guy and now i want to make just a little cut with the design on it. I think it will be cool. I also think that the houses need to get their acts together because everyone is acting like 6 year olds at this point. Obviously we need to get through this because "it will help us bond and move forwards past our challenges in life and yada yada. Not going to lie its kind of entertaining. In the mean time I want to improve my 3D wave design. I know what to improve on and I have lots of materials I bought for no reason.

blog 7 3/29: Im glad Mr Miller is back and has straightened things out. Now instead of arguing we can work! Still want to make octo but Evan used the cnc for his boomerang. Spencer wants to use it too so I think what we need as a house is to be more efficient with our time using the machines. Just a little more atleast. I am also progressing with my waveV3. Im making it bigger and more wavelike and have the gaps closer together so it will look way better. It does take a long time to make each piece just a little different from the previous.

Blog 8 4/11 This week Spencer and I finally made our things. After realizing that the IPad is so much better, we strolled by and got them both done. I really like it and am very proud. On Thursday I worked on my wave. I'm going to use the cardboard I bought a while ago because its a 5x5 foot sheet so I don't have to worry about materials. Its stand is going to have spaces to put the wave pieces so its even and the waves will stay easily.

blog 9 4/18 I cut out my wave v3 today and it looks preety cool and a lot cleaner than the first one. I still need to work on the stand a little bit and add more pieces to make it look like an actual wave. I also want to use a different type of wood to give it a more natural feel. I still think I dont have a enough for the exhibition but it is what it is. With the house scramble, it messed everyone up and I think we wont see as much as the last one.

Blog 10 4/25 This week was when we started working on the house joust. I honestly think we wont do good because our chair so far is just a box with some supports and another "seat" box on top with a not useful backrest. It was also the exhibition. I think I did ok considering that this clearly wasn't the best or the most quality work we could have produced. There were still a lot of good products especially in propaganda, but it just felt more relaxed and not as serious as it should have been. I was so glad that my octopus design was used in some way because I have been wanting to make it to something, ANYTHING for a while now.

Blog 11 5/2 THE HOUSE JOUST WAS RIGGED, is what I thought when we first found out the results but in the back of my mind I thought we would have done horrible. I know ours could have been cleaner(way cleaner) but we all thought our stability and comfort would make up for it. We also had Mr Guzik teach us about pocket joints? It was really fun actually and I think dtech needs more of these hands on activities where everyone learns something basic and uses that skill to make something more advanced. Whats funny is when I showed what we made to my friend he said it was below 6th grade woodshop.

Blog 12 5/9 This week Miller gave us a lesson on how to use the miter saw. I like it how we get taught with hands on activities because its nice to have hands on activities and because sometimes you just cant think of what to do when you are able to do a lot. I think my garden box turned out good. Except that Gavin removed the clamp right before I drilled in my last screw so its off a bit. But it doesn't matter because its going in the garden anyway. I also finally got journeyman for cnc and laser because its not that I never did that work, I just never got it stamped. I started learning about 3D printing and it seems easier than Laser and cnc by a long shot. The settings are so easy to access.

blog 13 5/16 This week I designed my journeyman product in onshape for 3d printing. I tried to print today but everyone was using the 3d printers so in the meantime Ill learn about electronics. I used the circuit playground to play viva la vida. I never thought it would be so fun to play with that stuff. Probably because I can read music so I can read the sheet music and put it in to the coder. I also helped Gavin read the notes for baby shark. I also made a hospital in onshape to 3d print but I realized it wouldnt work because of the overhang wouldn't support itself.

blog 14 5/23 I did soldered wires after watching the video for it the night before. It definitely harder than the video said it would be. Then I made another circuit playground song because I forgot to show Mr Miller. It wasn't that hard since I knew what I was doing. Finally I tested for conductivity with the BROKEN multi meter. So that took a little bit to realize but I finally got journeyman in electronics! It took way longer then it needed and now I need to focus on getting journeyman for 3D printing and just explaining the silk screening process.

blog 15 5/30 This week was very frustrating because I couldn't get the 3D printers to print my lanyard holder in a clean way. I tried 1 printer for an hour, then another one for a hour and it just wouldn't get the first layer cleanly down. Its almost like it is't hot enough as it starts. But the temperature says 215 and 80. Rather than trying to change my design, I just made a new one that would get me journeyman and would be easy to print. Im going to make a frame and have an engraved picture in it. Next week I'll print it.