Self Care Strategies


Triggers- an action or situation that can lead to an adverse emotional reaction; this activates fight or flight

Examples of Triggers

Being aware of your triggers will help you with avoiding them, or anticipating how to respond. 

Use this worksheet to help with processing triggers:

Deep Breathing

When you become anxious or angry, likely due to a trigger, your Fight/ Flight/ Freeze alarm become activated.  This will cause your breathing and heart rate to increase in addition to other physical responses like: sweaty palms, legs shaking or fidgeting, nausea, butterflies feeling in stomach, racing thoughts, etc. To calm your self down, you have to shut off the FFF alarm in the amygdala of the brain by using Deep Breathing. An effective technique is Box Breathing. 


The 5,4,3,2,1 Method is a great technique for students who have a lot of anxiety and racing thoughts. This technique forces you to be more mindful of your environment and the present(time). When using this technique using the video below, it is recommended you find a quiet safe space and use headphones. 

Progressive Muscle Relaxation 

Forces your body to relax by purposely tensing and relaxing muscles. 

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Raises self awareness of negative thoughts and helps you change them. In CBT, there is a premise of the CBT Triangle, which states that your thoughts, feelings, and behavior are all connected. This becomes problematic when your response to stressful things is always negative and automatic. 

Learn more here:

To use this technique, you have to start with becoming more self aware of your own negative thoughts by reflecting on the time you become anxious or angry. You have to challenge those thoughts and replace them with something more positive. 

Challenge Irrational Thoughts Worksheet

For example: 

Situation: Test Coming Up Tomorrow

Thought: "I'm just going to fail. I always do."

Feeling: Sad

Behavior: Not trying during the test. 

Thought: "I'm a little nervous but if I begin studying/ reviewing now, I can probably get a decent grade. 

Feeling: Motivated

Behavior: Studying at home. Tries during test. 

Music: Instrumental 

Piano and Guitar

Music: Sounds of Nature


Rain With Thunder


Music: Meditation/ Sleep 


White Noise

Diversions (Distractions)