
What's a GPA? 

GPA stands for Grade Point Average. It is the average point value of all of your grades. GPA is calculated each quarter as a term GPA. The average of all of your term GPAs will create your cumulative GPA

Use the image to the left to identify the point value of each letter grade. 

How to Calculate a term GPA 

Pretend the grades on your left on your current grades. These can be used to predict your final quarter GPA. You can calculate the GPA by adding the points of each letter grade: 

Math -> B -> 3

Science ->  A -> 4

History -> A -> 4

Language Arts -> B -> 3

Social Studies -> B -> 3

3+4+4+3+3= 17

Now divide by the total number of classes, which in this case is 5 classes: 

17/ 5 = 3.4

How to Calculate Cumulative GPA

Add all term GPAs of each quarter (high school only uses semesters)

Divide by the total number of terms 

1.34 + 2.83+3.67= 7.84

In this scenario, this 6th grader has only completed 3 terms so far so divide 7.84 /3= 2.61

Understanding Semester Grading

Your semester grades are based on work for 2 quarters. 

Semester 1

Quarter 1: October 20, 2023

Quarter 2: January 26, 2024

Semester 2

Quarter 3: March 28, 2024

Quarter 4: June 13th 

When calculating your semester grades, you have to calculate the work for two corresponding quarters. Below shows how your semester grades work

Semester 1: Quarter 1 grades + Quarter 2 grades 

Semester 2 : Quarter 3 grades + Quarter 4 grades 

8th Grade Promotion Formula: 

 We use the following formula to determine your final semester 2 GPA 

Semester 2 : Quarter 3 GPA + Quarter 4 GPA= ________. Then divide by 2. 

How to keep your grades up


One of the biggest reasons why students grades drop is because of attendance. Students who miss a lot of school miss the lessons that homework supplements, making it harder to complete it. If you have to miss school for important reasons, have a friend take notes and follow up with your teacher the next time your come to class. 

Assignment Completion

Another reason students get behind is because of low assignment completion. Sometimes this is because students refuse to do their work. Most of the time its because students just forget to turn it in! Check student connection or Canvas to see what you have coming up so you don't lose points for not turning it in or for turning it in late. Don't let yourself get too far behind either! If you procrastinate and wait until the last two or three weeks to start doing your work, it will feel impossible to get everything done in time. If you are unable to get everything submitted in time, focus on the big point assignments. 

Test Scores

Be sure to seek feedback from your teachers if your find your are scoring low on your tests. Maintain a growth mindset and always reflect on how you improve for the next test. Ask yourself: Did I study hard enough? Did I go to tutoring for extra help? Could I change my environment where I study to stay focused? Should I see my counselor to find new strategies to study? 

Stay Organized

Staying organized is an essential key to maintaining good grades. This helps you understand where your assignments are, what's coming up, and what to prepare for each quarter. A simple technique middle school students can use is using their agenda and calendars daily for assignment management. Be sure to use dividers in your binders to categorize by subjects or  types of assignments. It is recommended you also have a multi-subject notebook so your class notes are more organized. Always know when tests and quizzes are coming up and what's going to be covered so you know how and what to study.

Khan Academy

Khan Academy is a free resources online that allows students to either catch up on material at their own pace or get ahead. Students can take free courses on all of the following plus more: 

Crash Course Study Skills 

This Youtube series is more oriented for high school and college students but if you are looking for way to challenge yourself and learn new study skills strategies, check out their videos.