Graduate Funding

Graduate Student Funding

This page is meant to provide an overview of potential funding sources for sociology department graduate students. As the largest cost of a VCU graduate education is tuition, positions that provide some level of tuition support or remission will be emphasized. It is important to be very proactive in seeking these positions, as they are both limited and competitive. Students seeking a funding position for a Fall semester should seek to secure a position in the prior Spring semester, and vice versa.

Positions and opportunities that cannot be foreseen on this page are typically advertised to students via the socygrad listserv. Please resist ignoring emails from that address. Almost all emails shared on that listserv are directly relevant to an opportunity, event, or critical piece of information.

Helpful Terminology & Definitions

Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA) - A GTA position is the most financially beneficial student assistantship position. It offers full tuition remission (i.e. coverage of tuition costs regardless of residency) and a stipend of approximately $6250 per semester. GTA positions require full-time student enrollment (9 credit hours for grad students).

Lab Teaching Assistant (LTA) - An LTA position offers a monetary stipend per credit hour ($1000 per credit hour) that the student is assisting with, but it does not offer tuition remission. Students typically assist with two courses or 6 credit hours total, resulting in a stipend of $6000 per semester. LTA positions do not require full-time student enrollment.

EX Positions (EX) - An EX position is similar to a GTA position, but without the tuition remission. Students should expect a stipend of roughly $6250 per semester, working 10-20hrs per week.

GTA and LTA Opportunities External to Sociology

The sociology grad program tries its best to provide funding for as many of its students as possible. However, we are only allocated a limited number of positions each fiscal year by the university. This often leaves some students without opportunities within the department. Listed below are some positions typically offered by our nearest neighbors. VCU sociology graduate students have had success in filling these positions in the past.

  • VCU Political Science LTA Positions

    • The Political Science Department (on the floor above us in Founder's Hall) generally has a few LTA positions to fill each semester. Because the Political Science Department does not currently have a graduate program, VCU Sociology students have often filled these roles.

    • When these roles are available the socygrad listserv is generally one of the first sites of recruitment.

    • If you would like to be proactive about the availability of these positions, consider sending a formal inquiry to Dr. Alexandra Reckendorf (, Associate Chair of the VCU Political Science Department.

  • VCU Focused Inquiry Program

    • The VCU Focused Inquiry Program offers Graduate Teaching Assistant Positions via The University College (the central home for VCU’s Core Curriculum ( In the first year of the program, GTAs provide in-class support to an assigned faculty mentor. In the second year, GTAs may have the opportunity to teach their own section of Focused Inquiry each semester. In addition, GTAs are required to work ten hours a week in The Writing Center. Because of the interdisciplinary nature of Focused Inquiry, graduate students from any VCU graduate program are encouraged to apply.

    • These 9 month positions (20 hours/week) have in the past offered an $18,750 stipend and in-state university tuition. Please note that this award does not cover university, special program/course, and overload fees. The VCU Graduate School funds the Graduate Teaching Assistantship positions.

    • A formal inquiry can be directed to Jennifer Selman, the Focused Inquiry GTA Coordiantor (

Other Work Positions at VCU

  • VCU Writing Center

    • The VCU Writing Center has in the past hired sociology graduate student workers.

    • For graduate students the application process includes an interview with the director, and submitting a writing sample, statement of interest and references. Successful applicants must attend an orientation workshop, participate in the center’s mentoring program and attend weekly staff development meetings.

    • You can find more information at this page.

    • For more information and position availability, email Brian McTague, Writing Center director, at

      • The VCU Writing Center Is currently hiring, check out the listing on our Work Opportunities page

  • VCU Clark-Hill Institute for Positive Youth Development

  • Other University Jobs

    • As the beginning of the semester draws closer, be sure to utilize the VCU Jobs Portal to search for hourly and graduate assistant positions.

    • Utilize the filters to your advantage to hone-in on positions looking for graduate students.

    • Learn more on our Work Opportunities page, we update it with listings we see for VCU graduate students!

Funding opportunities at VCU

  • VCU National Scholarship Office

    • National Scholarship Office offers a range of services to VCU students and alumni who are interested in applying for competitive national and international scholarships and fellowships.

      • NSO offers:

        • Information sessions on scholarship and fellowship opportunities.

        • Consultations with students who are trying to determine for which scholarships or fellowships they should apply.

        • Writing workshops and peer groups to help applicants start the writing process and organize groups of applicants to share feedback with their peers.

        • Final submission of application materials to assist applicants in gathering letters of support and transcripts and with the final submission of their online and/or hard copy application materials.

        • and so much more!

    • Learn more at

  • RAMS Scholarship Hub

    • The RAMS Scholarship Hub is a centralized, searchable database where students can browse available scholarship opportunities offered through various VCU colleges, schools and departments. The Hub features a streamlined application process; current students can apply for several scholarships using a single application, supplemented by answering additional award-specific questions.

    • Learn more at

    • VCU's Military Student Services works with veterans, active service members, spouses and dependents to support their transition from military life to academics. MSS provides advocacy, counseling, connections to resources, and information on the GI Bill, educational assistance and scholarship opportunities.

    • Learn more at

  • VCU Libraries: Pivot

    • Students can access Pivot, a funding opportunities and collaborators database, through VCU Libraries Research Guides. Pivot combines the most comprehensive, editorially maintained database of funding opportunities worth an estimated $33 billion with a unique database of 3 million pre-populated scholar profiles.

    • Learn more at

External Funding

Although more rare, securing external funding is something that we encourage our students to pursue. Please do not hesitate to reach out to department faculty for help on writing and otherwise applying for a grant, fellowship, etc! Many of our faculty have experience in this type of writing and can help you create a competitive award application.

  • American Sociology Association (ASA) Graduate Student Funding Resources