Faculty Advisors

Faculty Advisors for Final Graduate Projects (Thesis, Practicum, Internship)

All sociology graduate students must have a faculty advisor as they enter into the project phase of their degree (i.e. 18hrs+). In order to ensure that our faculty are not overloaded, we set a hard limit on the number of advisees per faculty member. As you approach the 18hr+ (second year) threshold of the program, the graduate admin staff will reach out to you requesting that you complete an advisor application/placement form. The intent of this form is to coordinate the placement of students with faculty advisors, while taking into consideration their preexisting commitments. 

The advisor application/placement form will require the following information from you:

We will try our best, when possible, to honor students preferences for advisors. However, please keep in mind that due to the advisee limit, we will not be able to honor all requests. You can reference the embedded google sheet below for an overview of current faculty commitments. Please reference this sheet prior to requesting a specific advisor.  Advisors must also agree to work with a student, this decision will be based on their time commitments and the degree of match between their research expertise and an advisee's proposed research. 

Current Faculty Availability:

Faculty Advising

As always, for any questions or concerns, please reach out to socygrad@vcu.edu.