Statistical Analysis

For general methods resources, visit the Methods page. For a list of possible data sources (quantitative and qualitative) and advice on data collection, visit the Data page. For resources on collecting and coding qualitative data, visit the Qualitative Methods page. For advice on doing presentations and writing for public audiences, visit the Writing and Presentations page.

Data collection


General resources



General resources

Installing SPSS

You can either install SPSS on your computer or use it via VCU's App2Go cloud server. We highly recommend that you install it on your computer because students have experienced performance issues and problems locating files when they use the App2Go server. 

To install SPSS on your computer, follow the instructions below. If installing SPSS on a department-owned laptop, make sure to read the instructions specific to departmental laptops first.

Renewing your SPSS license

To renew the license for SPSS on your computer, follow the instructions below (note that the instructions are exactly the same as for installing SPSS, as described above, but you obviously do not need to download the software). If you are renewing the SPSS license on a department-owned laptop, make sure to read the instructions specific to departmental laptops first.

Opening a dataset

The SPSS Brief Guide (linked above) walks you through the process of opening a dataset, but here is a summary with of those instructions some additional points to consider. If your dataset is in the normal SPSS Statistics file format (*.sav), then you should be able to: (1) double-click on the file to open it; or (2) launch SPSS and choose the Open another file option under the Recent Files heading on the left of the intro window; or (3) from the Data Editor or Output windows, choose the File > Open > Data option.

Sometimes, you might come across a file in an ASCII (text) format (.txt, .dat, .csv, .tab) or a portable file format (.por), which are both more universal file formats readable by other programs besides SPSS. To open these files, choose either option (2) or (3) above. In the window that appears, change the Files of Type drop-down menu at the bottom from SPSS Statistics (*.sav, *.zsav) to either Text (*.txt, *.dat, *.csv, *.tab) or Portable (*.por). Then find the folder with your data file. Choose it. If you don't see a file, it may be because you didn’t select the right Files of type option, so double-check that you did. Open the file once you find it. 

There are additional instructions in Chapter 2 of the SPSS Statistics Brief Guide (linked above) for opening and converting datasets that are text or Excel files and stored in other file formats. 

SPSS walkthrough with the General Social Survey

Publicly available datasets

For more publicly available datasets, visit the Data page.

ICPSR is an extensive social science data archive containing literally thousands of data sets. VCU is a member institution, and students have free access to the data. To create your personal account, you need to be signed into the VCU system (e.g., using an on-campus computer that is networked or signed into myVCU remotely). Create an account by clicking "Login/Create Account" on the top left of the home page and follow the instructions there. 

Software for download or online use