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VCU School of Pharmacy Prerequisite Review

Are you applying to our Pharm.D. program but are unsure whether you're on track to complete all of your prerequisite courses before joining the program? Meet with Ms. Madeleine Wagner, our Director of Recruitment and Strategic Engagement, to go over your prerequisites and ask any other questions you might have about the program. Sign up for a prerequisite review here. VCU School of Pharmacy has a holistic admissions review process. This means we consider many factors to ensure we admit well-rounded students into our program. These factors include extracurricular experiences, letters of recommendation and academic record.

Register here.

Asian Pacific American Medical Student Association (APAMSA) School of Medicine Mentoring program

The VCU School of Medicine's Asian Pacific American Medical Student Association (APAMSA) will be offering mentorship to interested students, and would love for you to be a part of a mentorship program! This is a low-commitment, mentee-tailored experience; each mentee will be paired with a current medical student at VCU (based on interests, majors, etc.). The goal of this is to allow you to get connected with someone who has gone through the pre-med journey and can help you every step of the way!

Please fill out the following form if you are interested.

pre-health shadowing abroad

Looking for shadowing to strengthen your professional school applications? Summer hospital shadowing programs are proven to help pre-med students have stronger med school applications. This Atlantis program is a great opportunity for anyone that is struggling to find shadowing experience post-pandemic. Click the link to learn more about their programs. 

join auctus

AUCTUS is VCU’s Journal for Undergraduate Research and Creative Scholarship. Through AUCTUS, students have the chance to submit their work for publication or review works submitted to the journal. We are currently accepting submissions to our STEM, Creative, Social Sciences, and Humanities sections. To submit your work or get involved as a reviewer, visit this link.