Register for Courses

Enroll with The Collaborative and Home Campus

To register and enroll in Collaborative courses, you must have:

Permission to Register

The Collaborative courses require permission to register because they are only open to students in The Collaborative. We try to make the permission and enrollment process as easy as possible for you.

Students are ultimately responsible for ensuring they are enrolled in the correct courses. Talk with your advisor as you plan. Fill out the Google Form carefully each semester. Before you enroll, double check that you are enrolling in the courses you planned to take, at the level (undergrad/grad) that you planned to take.

Non-Collabative courses will not be included on this Google Form. Courses such as the Practicum, Student Teaching, and additional courses required for initial licensure or a graduate degree are offered by each home campus. Students can enroll in these courses directly through WINS (Whitewater) or TitanWeb (Oshkosh) and should contact their advisor if they encounter any required permissions.